Landing Festival 2018 is on its way!

Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2017

The 2018 edition of Landing Festival is approaching. While we prepare what will be an amazing experience for you, let us talk a little bit of “what’s” and “why’s”.

You probably already went on a fun ride through hell. And by this, I mean passing a tech recruitment process. Does it sound familiar?

Recruiters that don’t know how to differentiate Java from JavaScript , job requirements for a junior position that are more of a senior one… nothing comes as a surprise.

And you certainly don’t want that.

Master of the Dodging

It’s also common to feel lost with the overwhelming amount of information that we have access to. It’s important to filter and focus your efforts. Sometimes, all you need is someone to whom you can relate — an expert, a mentor, your very own Morpheus teaching you how to kick ass with Kung fu. But where do you find these precious people?

We know that it is hard and frustrating, that’s why we’ve got your back.

Landing Festival’s star mission is to provide you with the right tools and connections to help you shine as a tech professional and human. Career and personal growth go hand in hand!

Why take the red pill and follow us?

Landing Festival is basically a cocktail made with prime ingredients:

You’ll be able to watch relevant talks about what’s up in tech right now and what will be hot in the future; workshops to learn something new or improve something that you already know; experts sessions where you’ll get to talk to (you guessed) an expert in a small group and ask for advice; a job fair where you can look and engage with different companies -and find the perfect fit? ;) Almost forgot: you can also count with a crazy boat party (if you know what went down the last time, you don’t want to miss it).

Fun Fact: IT jobs are expected to grow 22% by 2020 (according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Do you want to be a part of those statistics? Do you want to know what field will be hotter than the others? Do you want to be a winner? We can take you there.

We can help you take control of your career. You can be limitless.

All you have to do is take the red pill and follow us.

Well, follow us where? For now, you can follow us here on Medium, Facebook and Twitter!

We’ll be dropping hints about what you will find on the Festival, as well as tickets discounts (is there another reason to follow any page?).




We believe in a future where individuals have ownership of their careers and use their talent to impact society in a meaningful, fair, and sustainable way.