Workflow Reflection

[Different] Landscapes
2 min readDec 11, 2020

When I was doing my boards, I found that it’s a little hard for me to organize all my thoughts and photos properly. So I have to go back and check all my notes and pictures, costing a lot of time while it could be saved with a better workflow. Therefore, I am doing a reflection with some tips to help projects in the future.

  1. Don’t open AI until the end. To do my boards, I firstly wrote down a list of photos I’d like to put on, and after that, I opened my AI to do the layout. But I realized that if I could work my arrangement at the same time considering which photos to show, it would be more efficient.
  2. Use Xmind to make your idea network while making notes. I made a lot of messages during crits and my research while forgetting to build a system. So it’s easy for me to forget some parts of my thoughts making the flow chart as well as my boards because there are already exceedingly things. If I could simplify and add my notes into the Xmind network when I get something new and useful, it would be more legible and effortless to make a final presentation.
  3. Use Miro board to build your collection of photos and text instead of storing them in your computer disk. Miro is one of the best tools I get in 2020! But I didn’t realize that I could use it during my research until the last several days. Landscape architecture is a kind of comprehensive subject, so we need to do much research during the design process, which means countless photos, texts and website. Therefore, if we could use Miro to put on all the things, it would save a lot of time rethinking whether we’ve done a survey or not about something, digging out one photo we want to present and find the URL of an image or text!
  4. Do a good job of classification.
  5. Do a good job of pausing.

Wish these tips could also be helpful to you guys and welcome to share your methods and reflections!

