PCCD trustees launch search for new chancellor to replace Ortiz

Laney Tower
Laney Tower
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2015

The Peralta District Board of Trustees held a special meeting last week to select the firm that will assist in the search for a new chancellor to take Jose Ortiz’s place when he retires in June.
The Feb. 3 meeting saw three search firms make their case to the board as to why they should be selected.
Dr. Frances White, who spoke on behalf of Community College Search Services (CCSS), based in Ventura, Calif., emphasized the firm’s proven track record over the last twenty years, stating that they had completed “over 150 searches” for community college chancellors and presidents during their 20 year lifetime.
The ELS Group, LLC’s representative, Edward Valeau indicated that his firm was “probably” the best option, due in part to his own forty years experience with community colleges in Alameda County. “I come to you as a member of the community,” he said.
The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit, ran into a point of contention with the board when trustees questioned the firm’s current searches for positions at the Foothill-De Anza and Contra Costa Community College Districts.
In its deliberations, the members of the board highlighted qualities they found necessary in any firm they would consider hiring.
Trustee Cy Gulassa asked that the board “make a decision based on a firm that is well-established, has a good solid track record, and (has) reasonable cost projections.”
Although all the candidates had admirable qualities, Gulassa said, Community College Search Services’ track record and 20-year success rate encouraged him to select the firm.
Trustee Nicky Gonzalez Yuen echoed Gulassa’s sentiments, adding, “What I’m looking for is a search group that’s enthusiastic about this district.”
Gonzalez Yuen also stressed that the firm would need to be able to work well within the shared governance system, and “understand that it may or may not work.”
He then indicated that he too was leaning towards CCSS as the ideal consulting firm.
After similar comments from the other members, the board confirmed hiring CCSS in a unanimous vote.
The board’s decision was perhaps influenced by the $25,000 fee requested by CCSS, as opposed to ELS and ACCT, who asked for $38,500 and $35,000 respectively.



Laney Tower
Laney Tower

The student-run publication of the Peralta Community Colleges and the surrounding communities