Word on the Quad

Did you vote and what measure was most important to you?

Laney Tower
Laney Tower
2 min readNov 6, 2014


Terrance Brown

“I voted for a higher minimum wage. I voted for Libby and to expand Bart.”
Terrance Brown
Media Communications and Video Production

Dajour LeGrand

“I voted in Richmond for the AC Transit expansion.”

Dajour LeGrand
Media Production

Tiffany Webb

“I voted for the higher minimum wage, and I voted yes on Prop 41.”
Tiffany Webb
Audio Video Production

Emmanuel Tril

“I didn’t get to vote.”

Emmanuel Tril

Ife Collins

“The only reason I did not vote was cause I’m studying for midterms, had two projects to work on yesterday, and I have to travel to Pittsburgh from Laney and to Merritt on bus and Bart, which is almost a two hour ride each way. But I vote regularly.”
Ife Collins

Angela Scott

“I voted for higher wages.”
Angela Scott



Laney Tower
Laney Tower

The student-run publication of the Peralta Community Colleges and the surrounding communities