Word on the Quad — Who do you think should run against Trump in 2020?

Laney Tower
Laney Tower
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019
Laura Byrne, Major: Architecture

Bernie and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortz would be a very progressive ticket. It’s a white man but also a woman of color who’s young, so I feel like they balance each other out. I would really love to see that ticket.

D’mani Thomas, Major: Undecided

People have seen that a lot of the things Trump has promised can’t really be followed through with. I think whoever runs against him has to somehow prove that they can follow through with their promises.

Simon Lee, Major: Undecided

I wouldn’t mind voting for Bernie Sanders again if he came back. If we just put Obama back in office that would be cool too, even though I know that isn’t possible. Hillary Clinton wasn’t the best choice, but I’d still vote for her.

Melly Fakalat, Major: Music

That’s a heavy topic, there are a lot of candidates running. But I advocate for Bernie. I liked a lot of his stances on things, especially on job security and free college education.

Amelinda Lew, Major: Biology

I know that people have issues with Kamala Harris about her prosecutorial controversies, but I heard an interview about her reasons for doing it. I know it’s mostly politician speak but she kind of won me over.



Laney Tower
Laney Tower

The student-run publication of the Peralta Community Colleges and the surrounding communities