WOTQ — What are your views about countries having borders?

Laney Tower
Laney Tower
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018

By Spencer Bell/Photos by Tiehui Fan

Cameron King, Laney College, Theatre Major

Well, ideally no. For ideal cooperation between people in the world there should not be borders. There should be a universal language, and a universal culture.

Katie Graham, Laney College History Professor

I’m for countries having borders, because a nation has to have some kind of understanding of who its population is so it can take care of its population.

Corey Hollis, Laney College, African American Studies

I don’t think that countries need to have borders. Borders never existed in the beginning. I feel like it’s just a territorial thing that creates division and war.

Meghan Garret, Laney College, Nursing Major

In certain countries it should be regulated, because of politics not because of people. Let’s say, you didn’t have a border between Syria and Israel, it would be a mess.

Calvin Moore, Laney College, Mechanical Engineering

We really have to look at who is coming across, the new border reforms are allowing in more immigrants, and there are refugees in countries that really need our help.



Laney Tower
Laney Tower

The student-run publication of the Peralta Community Colleges and the surrounding communities