Was Adam Lanza molested?

Jonathan Langdale
Langdale Blog
Published in
7 min readMar 3, 2013


Time to put on your tinfoil hat and jump down the rabbit hole…

Adam Lanza initially went to Sandy Hook School, didn't stay there long and for some unknown reason at some unspecified date, he transferred to the St. Rose of Lima Catholic School in Newton, CT.


This school provides pre-K through 8th grade. After 8th grade, Adam went to Newton School starting with 9th grade, where he was said to have been an honors student and involved in the computer club. He didn't last long here because Nancy Lanza didn't like the what the school had planned for him. She then home schooled him and he got his GED. It's unknown how many years he stayed at Newton High School before he was removed by Nancy.

My speculation is that the only school that Adam stayed at for any length of time was the Catholic School. And, that there was likely to have been some issues at Sandy Hook to have prompted the switch to the Catholic School. What remains unknown is how Adam did while attending Catholic school. These would obviously be church records.

I'm also a bit disturbed by the timing of the Newton shooting. Popular theory suggest that the mother was planning to commit him, which remains unclear. I don't think this had really been confirmed either way. Nancy was returning from a mid-week trip to New Hampshire. If she was really attempting to commit him, and was having serious issues, most people find it really hard to accept that she's had left him home with the guns in the house.

This is probably un-related, but if there was any religious motivations at all related to survivalist, etc. along the lines of the Hutaree, Revelations 12:14 might have been related to the motivation and timing of the shooting. It's curious why Sandy Hook and not the Catholic school was selected as Adam's target.

Another disturbing thing was that the shotgun left in the car wasn't just “a shotgun.” It was a Izhmash Saiga-12 combat shotgun which is a pretty serious weapon.

There's not really been a lot of information related to Nancy or Adam and their religious involvement in the church that I've seen. Not even to specifically say that they did or didn't attend church. I find it a all bit odd considering he went to school there. My take is that this has been purposely left out of the story so as not to raise the issue.

If you search for information about the Catholic Church and Connecticut you're bound to come across more than a few scandals. Suffice it to say, the largest scandal involves Bridgeport, CT. Bridgeport is located about 19 miles away (30m) from Newtown, CT.

From Nov/Dec, 1988, Cardinal Edward Egan was made Bishop of Bridgeport, CT because Bishop Curtis reached the mandatory retirement age of 75. Bishop Curtis then died in 1997. In 1999, Cardinal Egan founded the Saint Catherine Academy for special needs children. In August of 1999, the St. Catherine Academy opened and enrolled four children. Within three years (1999-2002), they expanded to ten children. By June 2003, the academy was granted approval as a private, special education facility which enabled the school to accept placements from public school districts.

The School Advisory Board for Saint Catherine Academy includes Monsignor Robert Weiss, paster of St. Rose of Lima Parish, the same parish where Adam Lanza attended primary school until grade 8. If Adam was born in 1992, that means that by 1999 he was 7 years old. Nancy and her husband moved to CT in 1998 when Adam was 6 years old. Adam may have only attended Sandy Hook briefly for 1st or 2nd grade. This would have put him into grade 2 or 3 in 1999 and he would have attended St. Rose of Lima until he was 13-14, which means roughly until 2005-2006 before moving to Newton High School for grade 9.

Father Weiss was installed as Monsignor at St. Rose by Cardinal Egan in 2008. Prior to Father Weiss, there was one Rev/Father John Castaldo who was one of five priests assigned to St. Rose of Lima Church in Newtown, CT.

Regarding the Bridgeport Catholic diocese abuse scandal, two of it's former bishops, Cardinal Egan and Bishop Walter W. Curtis were named as defendants in an abuse lawsuit filed in 2009, covering 1989 to 1992. This case involves a 10 year old Brooks Thopsey that was sexually molested by then Father John J. Castaldo at St. Theresa's parish in Trumbull. Trumbull, CT is 14.5 miles (28m) from Newtown, basically between Newtown and Bridgeport, CT.

Castaldo was arrested & charged in 2001 for having explicit sexual conversations on the internet with what he thought was a 14 year old boy. In 2001, Adam Lanza would have been 9 years old and in grade 4-5 at St. Rose of Lima. In April 2002, Castaldo was sued for molesting another boy and the case settled in 2005.

A fifth-grade classmate of Adam, Dan Lynch, remembers a skittish and introverted Adam. This places him around age 9-10 in grade 4-5, around 2001 or 2002. Sometimes between grade 5 and 8 (or at the High School?), Lynch recalls Adam in an sex education class (seems kinda young for the Catholic school?) where Adam said he was about to throw up and needed to leave the room.

The Bridgeport diocese was actually warned by Castaldo's seminary president-rector warning that Castaldo exhibited “remarkable bizarre behaviour. Castaldo was actually expelled from this seminary in 1985. A psychological evaluation determined he was “preoccupied with his own sexual urges” and recommended against priesthood. Bishop Curtis & Cardinal Egan would have known this, but did nothing and proceeded to ordain, hire, & promote Castaldo from 1987 to 2001 to positions where he would be involved with children. The suit against Castaldo claimed that he repeatedly forced the then-child to perform oral sex, and attacked the child for the purposes of his own deviant sexual gratification.

Castaldo was a supposedly a respected spiritual adviser who worked at Attica prison and helped Connecticut State police. He also spent several years as a sports referee and umpire, and helped couples prepare for marriage.

[Castaldo] pleaded guilty in 2001 to a felony charge of attempted dissemination of indecent material to a minor and was sentenced to one weekend in jail and five years' probation.

Castaldo would have been at St. Rose of Lima in Newton, CT from 1998 to 2000 (during a period where the school had about 1266 students including Adam Lanza). And this is only known abusive priest whose identity has come out through subsequent suits, criminal cases and settlements. Castaldo was defrocked sometime before 2010.



If Nanzy Lanza was a practicing Catholic and had her special needs son in a Catholic education for a signification period of time, and if she was a serious prepare with combat style weapons, it stands to reason that she might have been in alignment with ideology similar to the Michigan Hutaree survivalist clan who came to light in 2010 and have recently go some of their weapons back because the government failed to convict them on sedition conspiracy charges.

If Adam Lanza was molested by Bridgeport diocese related Catholic priest near the turn of the century or after, it's curious why he didn't target the Catholic school instead of Sandy Hook, where was said to only have briefly attended. The only way this makes some sense is if he was aligned with his mother and a survivalist Christian religious ideology. Adam Lanza may not have realized that many of the kids that were killed at Sandy Hook attended St Rose of Lima Church even thought they didn't go to the school attached to it. He may have thought that they were non-Christians.

As far as his mother, he was likely upset with her and her vacation, going to the local bar, etc. and possibly dating after the divorce from his father. For a Catholic, divorce is serious business and a sin. If he was a serious serious religious person, he would have not liked either of his parents for divorcing.

Did Adam Lanza ever have a girlfriend? The guy was 20 years old, lived in the basement where his brother used to live, who had stopped talking to for a few years (strange). Did he ever get laid? Or, was he possibly molested? The underwear bomber strapped a bomb to his genitals after his wealthy parents refused to let him get married without a university degree. He wanted to “cure himself” of his sinful desire to look at women, etc.

Cardinal Egan, former Bishop of Bridgeport, CT was part of the conclave that selected Former Pope Benedict XVI. While Cardinal Egan is forced into retirement now, a new conclave to pick a new Pope will include Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles. Former Pope Benedict XVI oversaw all sex abuse cases for the Catholic church from 2001 to 2005 as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

In 2004, the Bridgeport diocese reported that there had been allegations against 32 of its priests, involving 107 victims and $37.7 million in settlements. As of 2004, Adam Lanza was 12 years old and attending the Catholic school.

In April 2002, in a letter read out at Mass, Cardinal Egan apologized saying,"If in hindsight we also discover that mistakes may have been made as regards prompt removal of priests and assistance to victims, I am deeply sorry." Ten years later, in February 2012, the retired cardinal retracted his apology. In an interview with Connecticut magazine he said, I never should have said that,” and, “I don’t think we did anything wrong.” He repeatedly denied any sexual abuse happened while he was leading Bridgeport's Diocese.

Source: Wiki



