How to Make the Most of Your Trial Language Lesson Online

Langu | Language Teachers
Langu Stories
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2018

We asked Carmen, a popular English teacher on Langu, to share her best advice for how to approach your trial lesson.

Here’s a situation I think happens quite frequently: you’ve booked your first trial lesson on Langu, and you don’t know what to expect. You might even be feeling a bit nervous about speaking in English with your teacher. Well, there’s no need for that!

We Langu teachers are professional teachers who want to help you improve your language skills and achieve your goals, as well as make you feel more confident and relaxed when you use the language.

So what can you expect from your trial lesson? An exam? Definitely not! What you will have is a friendly welcome and chat with your teacher. We need to know a bit about you so we can plan the best lessons to suit your needs. I always ask my students what they do and why they want to have English lessons. Next, I ask them if they ever read, write or speak in English. Do you watch movies in English, or listen to Ted Talks, or write a journal in English to help become more fluent thinking in English? These questions are also a way of finding out more about the student, so our future lessons can be structured around topics they are interested in.

The next thing we do is discuss the types of lessons we have. I explain the options and what to expect in each type of lesson, and tell the students the lesson plans I think would suit their needs best.

For me, most lessons I teach are conversational and vocabulary-building. Some students choose to add grammar to that, which we do for about 15 minutes at the beginning of each lesson, and I give them exercises for homework which we check at the beginning of the next lesson before explaining the new grammar. Other students prefer to have only conversation and vocabulary and then as we’re having the lessons we see if there are grammar points they have problems with and need to revise. Whether they do grammar or not I always correct their mistakes at the end of the lessons. This is the kind of lesson structure that I explain in the trial, so that you’ll get an idea of what to expect in your future classes.

And that’s all, that’s a trial lesson! Your teacher will probably ask you lots of questions (I do) and you should ask as many questions as you need to about booking lessons, or materials, or anything you are not sure of or don’t know the answer to. We are here to help you get the best possible lessons and to make your learning and Langu experience easy and fun.

So, to sum up, here are my top 3 tips for how to make the most of your trial lesson on Langu:

  1. Explain to your teacher what your goals are and why you want to learn English.
  2. Tell your teacher how/when you use your English.
  3. Do not be afraid to ask questions or give suggestions on the types of lessons you’d like to have, but also listen to your teacher, we are professionals and know what would work best for you to achieve your goals.

And, most importantly, relax and have fun! Good luck! 😀

Originally published at on May 30, 2018.



Langu | Language Teachers
Langu Stories

Articles written by language teachers at Langu — a platform to study a language online with a world-class teacher, no matter where you live.