5 Sneaky Ways To Improve Your English

Some ideas to enhance your English

~ Sarah D ~


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Speaking English fluently and having good general communication skills in English are a necessity these days. It is very important both for your job as well as for personal matters.

Here are 5 ideas that you can use to improve your English!

1. Converse With a Friend Who Speaks English Well

You might have a friend or two whose English is impeccable. Get that person to sit down with you, and have a few practice conversation sessions. By doing so you will notice the differences between the way you speak, and that person speaks. This is often the most fun way to improve your English. Ask them for tips, and to correct you where you are wrong. You can also try to imitate their way of speaking.

2. Be a Good Listener

Try to keep your ears tuned to the way people around you are speaking the language. This is also known as Active Listening. Sometimes you will notice the different ways in which people frame sentences and use words. Trying to concentrate a little harder when someone you know is speaking English will help you grasp the finer nuances of the English language.

3. Change the Way You Pronounce Basic Words



~ Sarah D ~

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