Why Learn A Foreign Language?

Everyone has its own reasons— let’s dive deep and share our reasons in the comments.

Language Hub
2 min readSep 25, 2023


Interviewee asks what’s the point in learning a anguage other than connecting with other people?

I guess people have many different reasons why they learn a language next to their mother tongue. Some have a certain obligation, others might learn just for fun.

Martin Johnston from Rock N’Roll English explained in the interview on My Fluent Podcast what his reasons are.

Connecting with people. Making friends.

That made me think of my own reasons why I started learning English.

For that, I have to differentiate — because it changed over the time. I have been learning (or I’d rather say consuming content in English) for many years.

In the beginning, I must say, English had almost no meaning to my life. I even couldn’t understand the fascination my older brother had for the British culture and language (he is now married to a woman from the UK).

Back in the day, not a lot of resources where available in English. So, the only contact I had with the language was at school. I had to have good marks. So up to a certain degree it was an obligation — although I must say that for me, language learning has always fascinated me.

Speaking about available resources. Sometimes, there is just not enough resources in your language, which forces you to learn other languages:

English opened a door to a whole new world for me

After school, I realized that my English was not really as good as I thought and at that point, I wanted to change something. That’s where I began to read in English. This comes with certain benefits.

  1. The books are way less expensive than they are in German.

2. Often times, the books got published earlier as well

3. It improves your vocabulary drastically (over time)

J W at twitter (X) learns for fun:

So I can clearly say, that the main reason for me was to educate myself but also to entertain myself (movies, books).

When I reached a certain age (I know that sounds cheesy) I decided to be a bit less shy. I can nowadays say that connecting with other people from around the world has become a huge reason to improving my English. That way I can have more meaningful convcersations and get to learn about other cultures.

Why do you learn foreign languages?

Do you want to share your reasons with us? Why not record your story and publish it on My Fluent Podcast? Get in touch: myfluentpodcast@gmail.com

Vocaroo | Online voice recorder (For example, record your reasons here)

You might also have a listen to the whole interview with English teacher and podcaster Martin Johnston from the Rock N’Roll English Podcast.

Martin Johnston in interview about his language journey, podcast journey and more.



Language Hub

Language learner, podcast enthusiast, reader, gamer