How to Publish with Language is Life

Publication Information and Submission Guidelines

Matt Fujimoto
Language is Life


Language is Life
Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

About Language is Life

Language is Life is a publication about Language and its relation to our lives and the world around us.

Wether it is expanding your world by learning a new language, how the intricacies of language can reveal before missed details of the world around us, or how the very use of language makes us what we are, Language is central in our lives.

So what is your story? how has your life been impacted by language? Join us to share and read about how language has impacted others.

How to be Added as an Author

  1. Join Medium (if you’re not already a member).
  2. Follow Language is Life on Medium.
  3. Leave a comment below asking to be added as an author and describing yourself, your background and what kind of posts you plan to submit to Language is Life.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The post needs to be related to Language in some form. Editors hold the right to refuse any topic they deem not to be suitable for the publication.
  2. The post must be respectful. Criticism is allowed, but all criticism should be…

