Lost? Not Anymore! Asking for Directions in Italian

Italian directions for beginners

Ahmed Almakaidy
Language Lab
2 min readMar 21, 2024


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash


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Asking For Directions In Italiano

Wandering through the beautiful streets of Italy is an absolute delight, but let’s face it — it’s easy to get a little lost in the maze-like alleys and roads.

But do not worry at all, I've got you covered! Let’s learn together how to ask for directions in Italian.

How to Stop People In Italian?

The first thing you need to do is to begin your conversation with a friendly greeting so if you find someone standing there and you want to ask them for directions, you can approach them and start with a friendly Buongiorno.

That is one way to go about it. Another way, you can say:

  • Scusi, può aiutarmi? Excuse me, can you help me?

You can approach locals or shopkeepers politely with “Scusi” (Excuse me) to get their attention. Then, follow up with “Può aiutarmi?” (Can you help me?)

Most likely, you will hear this response:

  • Mi dica. Tell me.

Italians use this polite way to tell someone to go ahead and explain something.

You can tell them that you are lost:

  • Mi sono perso/a. I am lost.

Mi sono perso for male and Mi sono persa for female.

Where Is …?

  • Dove si trova…/Dov’è … Where is…?

When you want to ask about a specific location, you can use this:

  • Dove si trova /Dov’è + the Place

For example:

  • Dove si trova la stazione?/ Dov’è la stazione? Where is the train station?


Here are the most important directions you will need:

Destra = Right

Sinistra = Left

Dritto = Straight ahead

So let’s say you already asked someone where the station is, now they will answer you. Let’s check out the possible answers.

  • Prenda/Giri a destra — Take a right
  • Prenda/Giri a sinistra Take a left
  • Vada drittoGo straight ahead

That’s a wrap! These are the most basic phrases you can use to ask for directions in Italian and understand the instructions given to you.

I hope you guys enjoyed it and stay tuned for future lessons. Alla prossima, ciao ciao!



Ahmed Almakaidy
Language Lab

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