Mandarin: My New Harry Potter Process Is Crazy Efficient! (Even for Beginners)

An audiobook with sound effects and dual-language subtitles

Chris Eubanks
Language Lab


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The Mandarin audiobook for Harry Potter is way more engaging than the English version. It is full of music, sound effects, and ambient sounds. In Chapter 4, the Keeper of Keys, there are sounds of the storm outside and Hagrid breaking the door down.

When Hagrid empties his pockets, there are sound effects for every single object he puts on the table, including a copper kettle. The level of pure detail with the sounds makes this audiobook intrinsically enjoyable.

The perfect synchronization of sound effects and their corresponding words makes it easy to intuit new vocabulary through context. It feels as though this audiobook was designed for language learners.

Even if you’re not learning Mandarin, I would buy this audiobook as a language-learning treasure.

If you’re on Day 1 of your Mandarin journey, read on — this is for you! If you already have foundational Mandarin, my new process works just as well.



Chris Eubanks
Language Lab

Language learner. Rapidly learning the Finnish language. Follow me for specific knowledge to speed up your language journey.