Stuck in Your Language Studies?

If you’re feeling frustrated or not sure how to continue your language studies, the best thing to do is take a step back and think about what exactly is bothering you. Are you tired? stuck reaching a new level or don’t understand the grammar you’re working on?

Claire Robinson
Language Lab
4 min readJul 5, 2023


Photo by Aysegul Yahsi on Unsplash

Whether you’re studying languages at university or as a hobby, it’s perfectly normal to feel stuck sometimes.

I’ve always liked studying languages, even as a child and a teenager, but I still had times when I was bored, frustrated or just didn’t understand something.

So, let’s have a look at a few simple solutions.

What’s the problem?

If you’re struggling, first work out whether it’s something specific or if it’s the level/topic in general. For example, I struggle with German grammar and it stresses me out. However, I enjoy learning Chinese grammar and only struggle with HSK 6 (advanced) grammar points.

Once you’ve worked out what you’re finding difficult, you can plan accordingly.

  • Can you work with a tutor/friend?
  • Watch YouTube videos on the topic.
  • Attend a class (online or in-person).

If you don’t understand an entire topic or are struggling with a language level (A1, C1, etc), you might enjoy attending language classes and getting 1:1 help from a teacher. If you’re only struggling with one grammar point, you might ask a native speaker to help or watch recorded videos from online teachers.

Set time for your studies

Set a specific time on your chosen days when it’s all about your target language. Even if it’s 5 minutes each morning or 30 minutes before bed. For example, I listen to the Chinese news with my morning coffee and review vocabulary for 5 to 10 minutes before bed.

  • Listen to the news or a podcast in your target language while having breakfast, putting on your make up or on your commute.
  • If you’re studying a European language, try Easy Languages or Coffee Break Languages on YouTube! For Chinese, I use CCTV and TVBS news channels, as well as some podcasts.
  • Spend 5 minutes after dinner reviewing vocabulary — use an app or make flashcards

For Chinese, I use Pleco. For German, I use Duolingo. But there are lots of other apps available.

  • Read for 5 minutes on your lunch break

News, comics, social media posts or a page from a good ol’ book work too!

Photo by Eliabe Costa on Unsplash

Have fun

If you find yourself getting bored with the language materials you have, find something else.

If you’re in a course and have to use a specific textbook, you could use other language materials to learn about the topic on your own, such as podcasts, YouTube videos or even another book.

Learning shouldn’t be sending you to sleep! So make sure it works for you.

  • Watch TV shows, read a book or just take a day off!
  • What about trying an app? For languages, you have Busuu or Duolingo.
  • Try a short course on Coursera, Udemy or FutureLearn.
  • Make language-learner friends you can study or speak languages with.

Look at the bigger picture

Think of the future. Can you imagine yourself writing essays in Arabic? Ordering a meal in German? Picture yourself using your target language and let that motivate you to get back into your studies.

Think about why you started and remind yourself of your motivation for learning the language.

  • Create a mood board related to your subject — get yourself excited to study!
  • Set clear goals and celebrate small (or big!) achievements
  • Remind yourself why you started this journey
  • Start with some 5-minute study ideas

Sometimes, feeling stuck in your language studies can really get you down. The good news is, it’s a normal part of the learning process!

Take some time to step back, look at your language journey so far and then decide how to move forward.

Whether you want to join language classes or find some new materials to help you meet your goals, the choice is yours. But remember: it’s okay to ask for ideas or help from others.


How do you come ‘unstuck’ in your language studies? Leave me a comment below and let’s see what awesome tips we can share with the community!



Claire Robinson
Language Lab

UK-based SEO content and copywriter, with a focus on education, languages, healthcare and more!