Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

Submit Your Stories to Language Lab

2024 submission guidelines

Gianina Buda, PhD
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2023


Update: please note that it may take up to a week to hear back about your submitted article. Thank you for your patience!

I’m happy to inform you that Language Lab is currently accepting new writers! Whether you’re new or experienced, you are welcome to submit stories about:

  • Innovative language learning methods
  • Motivating and inspiring pieces
  • Articles exploring the latest scientific developments in language acquisition
  • Fascinating aspects of foreign languages (words, expressions, sentence construction, sounds, cultural nuances, etc.)
  • Travel articles with a focus on language exploration.

Other notes:

  1. Kindly submit only unpublished drafts.
  2. Please abide by the Medium Rules. No AI-generated stories, please!
  3. Keep the tone conversational and positive! The reader should leave feeling inspired, motivated, or having learned something new.
  4. Format your headline and subtitle according to Medium Creators’ guidelines. Use title case for the title and sentence case for the subtitle.
  5. Keep paragraphs short (max. 2–3 sentences), which will improve…

