Interview with An Author: Anthony Pham

Anthony Pham
Language Learning Blog
2 min readNov 9, 2016

Well, this post is here to inform you about me. And who exactly am I other than a human behind a computer that owns this account which owns my other account on Stack Exchange? Read on to find out.

I am like anyone, a human being that lives somewhere like the United States of America (that may be a fact for me, just saying). Computers are so cool to me, as of now, and so is gaming (Clash Royale, Pokemon Go), programming (Python, Java, HTML, C++ for Unity), and super cool sites where users can join a user-friendly environment to share and request information about certain topics (such as Stack Exchange).

Continuing on now. Yes, as you may have noticed, I am not an adult. If you didn’t realize that, it’s because you don’t crave sleep and coffee like most adults do in America. I will be an adult a few years after posting this (how many is none of your concern). Don’t worry, I have the maturity not to spam or cuss or do stupid things here, so don’t worry. I mean, there are moderators named Hatchet and Quill… not people to mess around with.

What do I bring to this blog? Imagination and creativity! And grammar rules most might lose as they age. I hope I don’t have to teach anyone grammar rules, though. Anyways, I will see everyone soon and if you have questions, leave it below in the comments!

