Time Tracking is the #1 Sign You Care About Your Goal

There’s always one more thing you can be doing

Chris Eubanks
Language & Self-worth


Photo by Pixabay

I’m going to get the inevitable response, “I learned a language, musical instrument, lost weight, or saved money all without time tracking.”

Or, “Why would I rob the joy out of something I enjoy by punching in and out like I do at work?”

And also the deeper question, “Why apply a productivity system to something that is deeply philosophical to me?”

People are suspicious of time tracking, because they assume their goal is binary. They are either “testing the waters” or “going all-in.”

Most people who claim to go all-in on a goal will walk away in 6 months. This means there are different levels of “all-in.” Are you really all-in on your chosen endeavor if there’s one more thing you could be doing?

I remember back in 2017, I was experimenting with 3D printers to design an insulated camping tent. My first idea was a dome with interlocking foam “shells” that could be carried on a backpack.

I remember my architect boss asking me, “Are you tracking your time on this? It would be interesting to see after it’s all completed.” This was a personal endeavor outside of work, so I was not required to track my hours.



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