Write with Language Talk

Tell about anything related to learning and using human languages

Jorgen Winther 🌱
Language Talk
Published in
10 min readOct 22, 2023


Graffiti on a wall showing a speach bobble saying “Love is the only language I speak fluently.”, signed by TrystyScribe
Photo by Hannah Gibbs on Unsplash

We all use them — languages. Maybe just one. Maybe several. It is difficult to function in a world of communication without at least one language — and as the world becomes smaller all the time, we want to be able to talk to each other across the boundaries; so we learn more languages.


Most school children will learn something about their native language that they wouldn’t know otherwise — something that expands their understanding of the presumed correct use of the language and lifts them to a capability of working with their language at a higher level.

Some children will learn additional languages at school, to enable them to fill out a more advanced role in business or other aspects of life or to work specifically with languages as their profession.

But many people learn languages out of immediate necessity: when they move from one area to another, to study or work there, or perhaps to escape bad conditions where they grew up.

A new place often means a new language — words, of course, and their ways of being put together, but also what to talk about. People around the globe do not talk about the same…



Jorgen Winther 🌱
Language Talk

The ghost in the mirror. Writing about ways of making life a pleasant experience - and mirrors