Resistance is Futile

Richard Lanoix
Published in
6 min readNov 20, 2019

(Angel is tied to a metal structure that is at a 45 degree angle back from standing. There are bands across his chest, arms, abdomen, pelvis and legs. There are also probes attached to various parts of his body & head. There are deep welts from lashes across his body. He is vigorously struggling to free himself but cannot budge. He is sweating profusely. A shock is transmitted and he convulses violently for about 20 seconds and passes out for a few minutes. He is drooling on himself when he wakes up. A voice comes over the PA system)

Voice #1: Angel. Resistance is futile. Just tell us the names of the leadership of the Resistance and your suffering will stop. You know that it’s only a matter of time before you crack. Please spare yourself.

(Angel looks up and smiles defiantly. He receives another shock causing him to again convulse. He passes out again. There is now blood oozing from the side of his mouth where he bit himself mixed with the drool. While unconscious he appears in his mind bent over on his knees & supporting himself on his elbows. He has very large wings dangling over his back that occasionally twitch. His skin is bruised and battered. There is a woman holding him in her arms. She is crying. She also has very large wings that are spread wide and intermittently flapping over him to provide him with fresh air. The battle is still being fought in his mind. He hears an agitated voice pleading with him.)

Voice #2: Angel, don’t give up. Fight the fight. We’re depending on you. Just hold out and we’ll be there to save you as soon as possible. Don’t give up.

(Angel is breathing heavily and the scene rapidly switches back to him tied to the gurney. He just woke up and started to give himself a pep talk to resist. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he received another jolt of electricity, but it was very brief. He immediately started to cough and dry heave. After a few dry heaves, he vomits to his side. He is sweating profusely and appears pale. Another thought of the importance of resisting, supporting the Resistance in the most important battle of his life: The battle for the consciousness of humankind. Again, as though timed with his thinking, he receives another brief shock prompting another round of dry heaving and vomiting. He loses consciousness and mentally finds himself being cradled by Aella, his love. He is shivering uncontrollably. She holds him more tightly than before, surrounding him with her great wings to keep him warm. She whispers in his ear.)

Aella: Angel my love. You don’t have to do this. Let it all go. Surrender.

Angel: I can’t. The Resistance is depending on me. Humankind is depending on me.

(He receives another shock following these words and again finds himself tied to the gurney vomiting and gagging. He hears her voice imploring him to surrender, stating that this entire struggle- the battle, the Resistance, the enemies of humankind- it’s all in his mind, his creation. He again finds himself now facing upwards cradled in her arms and wings. He wonders if it’s possible that she is correct. Is surrender the answer? He appears to be delirious and starts to shake his head vigorously back and forth to indicate that no, he must fight. The Resistant is the only hope for humankind. He is immediately zoomed back to the gurney where he receives a longer, more forceful and prolonged shock. He begins to convulse and passes out. When he awakens, his eyes open to Aella wiping his forehead and kissing him gently.)

Aella: Surrender my love. Let it go. Just let go. You don’t have to do this. It’s all in your mind.

(Angel opens his eyes to find himself in a large circular room that is open on all sides. The room is thatched and pointed. There are about 20 other people at the periphery of the room and one man who is chanting and shaking a bunch of leaves vigorously. Some of the other people are sitting quietly while others are on their knees vomiting, and others moaning and groaning. He is disoriented at first and then recalls that he is participating in an Ayahuasca ceremony in the Peruvian jungle. He is in the Maloca.

He places his face in his hands and shakes his head in disbelief. The visions of himself and Aella with wings and being a captured Resistance fighter being tortured felt so real. He clearly saw that the struggle boiled down to fight for humankind’s consciousness or complete surrender. But surrender to what? to whom? He felt compelled to focus his attention as a means of protecting himself. Another wave of nausea overwhelmed him. He got onto his hands and knees and placed his head over his bucket in preparation for what he knew would follow. A long series of dry heaves followed without any relief. He was again transported into the arms of his beloved Aella.)

Angel: (He looks deep into her eyes while she lovingly strokes his face). I can’t give up. They’re depending on me.

(Aella smiles and nods at him sadly. She embraces him tightly. She knows that there is nothing she can say or do except to hold him. His reality again shifts rapidly and he finds himself tied to the gurney and feeling jolts of increasing intensity coursing through his body. He opens his eyes and sees Aella weeping over him. He again considers: What if she’s right? He blinks and he is tied to the gurney.)

Voice #2: Angel. Don’t give up. Fight back. We need you more than ever.

(Angel looks up and sees all the other participants in the Maloca. The Icarros are more intense now and correspondingly the moans, groans and vomiting intensify as well.)

Angel: Am I going mad? It’s all in my head. All of it.

(He blinks and finds himself staring into Aella’s eyes.)

Angel: It’s all in my head. I get it.

Aella: Yes my love. Now surrender. Just let go.

(He relaxes into her arms and wings. His reality again shifts back to the prison.)

Voice #1: Who are your leaders?

(Angel doesn’t react. He allows himself to sink into himself and repeats: Let it go. Let it all go. He now finds himself crawling on his hands and knees towards the center of the Maloca and lays down on his back with his arms spread apart, repeating to himself, let it go, let it all go. He is now lying in Aella’s arms and mumbling “let it go, let it go, let it all go!”)

Aella: (She is smiling at him lovingly) Yes, my sweet, let it go.

(He feels himself falling asleep, almost as though he was tranquilized. He had a fleeting thought about the fact that he was abandoning the Resistance. This was associated with second thoughts about surrendering. This was immediately followed by a violent shock and a bout of vomiting. He looked up to find Aella embracing him. He closed his eyes tightly asserting his conviction to let go and surrender. He trusted Aella with all his heart. His eyes were still closed but he now felt the hard wooden floor of the Maloca and heard the deafening sounds of the jungle surrounding him interlaced with the Icarros the shaman was singing. He was drifting into a deep sleep. He felt as though he were dying but welcomed it. There was no fear. He then felt the cold metal of the gurney pressing against his sweat covered back. He felt the lashes of a whip against his chest and abdomen but the pain seemed to occur elsewhere. He was in a state of complete acceptance and surrender. He opened his eyes and that room in which he was tied to the gurney began to slowly dissolve. He himself slowly faded and his last memory was Aella smiling down on him and nodding in approval. Angel drifted into a deep sleep devoid of any thoughts or dreams.)

I am an emergency physician, writer and a lover of life. The purpose of this blog is to share my ideas, experiences and perspectives as they relate to Consciousness, and as they evolve. Consciousness encompasses everything in my life, your life, the world, the Universe — in other words — EVERYTHING! As the great Shaman Don Diego used to say: “It’s not the most important thing, and it’s not the least important thing…It’s the ONLY thing!”

Check out my novel: “The Twin Flames, the Master, and the Game”! It’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Balboa Press.



Richard Lanoix

I was born in Haiti and immigrated to New York City, where I lived for the past 50 years. I practice emergency medicine and write about Consciousness.