What is AutoGPT?

Shaan Ray
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2023

AutoGPT’s makes GPT-4 more autonomous, so that GPT-4 can create and complete tasks all by itself. Released on March 30, 2023 through a GitHub repository by a user named Significant Gravitas, AutoGPT brings GPT-4’s capabilities out of its ‘box’.

The Basics

AutoGPT is an open-source Python application. Based on minimal human instructions, it enables GPT-4 to self-prompt and complete tasks. If you define an end goal to Auto-GPT, it can develop the prompts required to achieve the goal.

With the advent of LLMs based on generative AI, ‘prompt engineering’ has became an important skill. The better the prompts, the better the outcomes. GPT-4 requires an individual to prompt it repeatedly until the user gets exactly what they want. AutoGPT instead enables AI GPT-4 to self-prompt repeatedly until the objective is reached.

The Features

AutoGPT’s features list indicate that it has internet access, long-term and short-term memory management, GPT-4 for text generation, access to popular websites and platforms and file storage, and summarization with GPT-3.5. It also has a text-to-speech integration option through ElevenLabs.

Unlike other algorithms offered by OpenAI, which are limited to the data provided on the internet until 2021, AutoGPT can actively browse the web and check current websites for information. It can also create and save files to a user’s computer (provided the user has given it access and permission to do so).

The Requirements

There are several requirements that need to be met before you can start using AutoGPT. You must have Python 3.8 (or later), a Pinecone API key, an OpenAI API key, and the ElevenLabs API if you want to add the voice features. Configuration and installation details can be found here.


AutoGPT turbocharges GPT-4’s already-impressive capabilities, by self-prompting, searching the internet, and saving files to a computer. These may seem like easy tasks to a human, but when combined with GPT-4’s capabilities, they exponentially extend the impact that systems like GPT-4 can have on the world.

Shaan Ray

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