Looking for the perfect digitalized society pt. 1- Visiting Tallinn, Estonia

LAOCON channel
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2019
Snow and lights, the old city of Tallinn.

Estonia is a country known for its digitalized system including e-residency. People can process most of their administrative services online except merriage, divorce, land deal.

We decided to visit there to see how this digitally advanced society works.

Arriving at the airport of Tallinn, we found this booth for VR headsets in front of the gate.

Next day there was a workshop for malware analysis using the software by B!nalyze. It can record adn analyze how those malwares affects on the system.

This workshop was organized by a non-profit local organization in Tallinn that have this sort of workshop constantly. The attendees profile was interesting to us. They were from 7 countries, including a Japanese student who studied cybersecurity in the Tallinn University of Technology. And the lecturer was a Turkish guy who founded the company in the US. One Finnish guy is a white hat hacker who constantly works as a bug bounty hunter. We can recruit people who are interested in our platform service directly in this kind of place.

One guy in the workshop recommended us to go to the cyber secutrity conference FIRST that took place MEKTORY in the Tallinn University of Technology.

MEKTORY is a incubation center in Tallinn university of technology

Unfortunately, we couldn’t enter to the conference due to our last minute’s registration. But we could see a lot of interesting stuff inside of the campus.

It’s a building of Skype that becomes a part of Microsoft now. But they still have their department for R&D besides the university.

On this snowy road around the campus, that devivery robot was running. We suppose they were testing under this extreme weather condition.

The campas locates a little far from the city center. But it has not only the university facility but the incubation centers and the laboratories of some companies like Skype. We will introduce them in the next article.

