Public Universals: Bridgeless Minting on Ethereum and Polygon

Alun Evans
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2024

In our last posts (here and here), we introduced the concept of ‘Universals’ — NFTs minted via a bridgeless pattern that offloads minting pressures and costs from Ethereum and other EVM-compatible chains.

And a few weeks ago, we released the first version of a simple onboarding DApp, the Bridgeless Minter, which facilitates the creation of Universals without requiring any programming knowledge. If you are a developer, please check the developer docs to build your own DApps; LAOS is 100% permissionless and open-source.

After first creating a collection on Ethereum or Polygon, using this universal ERC-721 contract template, the Bridgeless Minter allows anyone to mint any number of assets on those chains, without requiring any more ETH or MATIC.

The tokens appear to Ethereum and Polygon as regular ERC-721s. You can import them into your Metamask, send them to any account, and be listed in Opensea and other marketplaces (indeed, here is the very first Universal created on Ethereum, bought on Opensea by one of LAOS’ community members!).

The first Universal on Ethereum

The first version of the Bridgeless Minter required users to create the initial collection in Ethereum/Polygon by themselves, which is the only step that requires spending ETH or MATIC. Users could afterwards mint any number of assets paying gas fees only on LAOS.

To let everyone experience the sensation of minting assets in Ethereum without paying ETH at all, today we’re happy to announce a newly introduced feature in LAOS: Public Minting.

By enabling Public Minting, creators can allow any account to mint assets in the Ethereum/Polygon collections they created initially; this mode can be revoked at any time by the creator.

We have left a couple of collections, one in Ethereum and one in Polygon, with Public Minting enabled, allowing anyone to mint an asset, paying only LAOS tokens, and without having to create their own collection first.

Selecting a collection ready for Public Minting of Universals on Ethereum with the Bridgeless Minter

Our faucet is granting 0.1 KLAOS tokens to every web3 address who requests them. As a rough estimate, minting an asset in KLAOS currently costs around 0.00007 KLAOS, so you should have enough to mint over 1.5K assets, should you choose!

Below you can see two of our team members, Dani and Nacho, from a recent online event for our community, talking you through the process and explaining how it works.

Try it out for yourself now! Go to and start minting assets on Ethereum and Polygon without using any ETH or MATIC.

Then join our community to find out more! Follow us on Twitter/X to stay in touch with the news, and join our friendly Discord server.



Alun Evans

Alun is CEO and co-founder of — the home of “Living Assets” (NFT 2.0).