Transitions and Journeys: From Mechatronics to Software Engineering

Xiaotian Li
Published in
7 min readFeb 14, 2024

Part 0: Introduction

Hello, I’m Xiaotian Li. In 2022, I took a significant step by relocating to Australia, and by December 2023, I started my career journey as a graduate software engineer at Lapis. This transition, moving continents from China to Australia and shifting my academic focus from Mechatronic Engineering to Software Engineering, has been filled with its share of challenges and triumphs. As I navigate this new stage in my life, I’m keen to share the insights and experiences I’ve gathered along the way.

My journey unfolds in three distinct yet interconnected transitions:

  • Geographical: From Urumqi to Harbin, then to Melbourne;
  • Professional: The shift from Mechatronics to Software Engineering;
  • Personal: Evolving from a student into an engineer.

Through sharing these experiences, I aim to offer insights and encouragement to those embarking on similar paths. Whether you are navigating cultural shifts or career changes, I hope my journey resonates with you, offering a sense of solidarity and inspiration.

Part 1: Urumqi — The journey begins

I was born in Urumqi, nestled within the Xinjiang province of China — a region renowned for its delectable cuisine and breathtaking natural landscapes. My childhood in Urumqi was filled with joy, surrounded by loving parents and friends.

During my high school years, my fascination with science fiction novels and video games began to shape my dreams and ambitions. Titles like “Half-Life 2” and the “Portal” series were not just games to me, they were windows into possibilities and innovation. These experiences ignited my passion for engineering, especially in the field of robotics.

Part 2: Harbin — Ready for the transition

In 2016, my journey took me to Harbin for university. Harbin, renowned for its stunning winter scenery and warm-hearted residents, quickly became a place of inspiration and growth for me.

At the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), I embarked on my academic journey in Mechatronic Engineering, a dynamic field blending Mechanical and Electronic Engineering. This period was marked by invaluable interactions with peers and professors who played a pivotal role in nurturing my engineering mindset.

My involvement in robotic clubs and smart car clubs, alongside courses on microcontrollers, IoT, and programming, was transformative. It was here that I discovered the critical role of software in engineering. Software became the lens through which I saw the potential to bridge abstract concepts with tangible outcomes, guiding the behaviour of robots and defining the operations of complex systems.

This realization deepened my interest in software engineering, an interest that was met with encouragement from my professors. They urged me to pursue this newfound passion, reinforcing my resolve to delve deeper into the software domain.

Part 3: Melbourne — The big transition

In 2022, I moved to Melbourne to pursue a Master’s in Software Engineering at the University of Melbourne, drawn by its familiar climate, vibrant multicultural environment, and welcoming people.

My studies introduced me to fellow IT enthusiasts, leading to collaborative projects that ranged from mobile apps to web applications. My mechatronic engineering background proved advantageous, offering a shared mindset that eased my transition into software studies.

Adapting to Melbourne also presented challenges, particularly with the language barrier. My prior lack of focus on English led to initial communication struggles and feelings of isolation. Determined to overcome this, I immersed myself in various social activities — joining university events, local community groups / church, and seeking part-time jobs in software development. Despite facing numerous rejections, this proactive approach significantly improved my English proficiency, transforming my ability to communicate and connect with others.

Moreover, I also finished transitioning from student to software engineer. After graduation in Augest 2023, I joined a company specializing in IT solutions for logistics and warehousing. I diligently worked on improving my language proficiency through daily participation in meetings and discussions. I discovered that professional communication in engineering isn’t limited to verbal exchanges; diagrams, technical proposals, and documentation also play crucial roles. This realization was pivotal in my adaptation and growth.

Also, my work introduced me to Amazon Web Services(AWS), leading me into cloud computing. By learning about serverless systems, I directly observed how cloud services are changing IT, making things simpler and more efficient.

Part 4: Journey continues with Lapis

At the end of 2023, I received an call from Spatial Vision’s HR, inviting me to the graduate software engineer role within the Lapis team. This opportunity is a significant step forward in my career, and I made my decision to transit from my previous position to this one for the following reasons:

A pivotal factor in my decision was the presence of senior engineers within the team. This group is not just a collection of experienced IT professionals. They are approachable, enthusiastic mentors driven by a passion for innovation and problem-solving. Their wealth of knowledge spans several aspects of software engineering, from the intricacies of coding to the strategic planning of large-scale projects. Engaging with these industry veterans, I saw a unique opportunity not only to elevate my technical skills but also to gain insights into the professional nuances that only years of hands-on experience can teach.

The company culture also stood out to me. The team emphasized the importance of work-life balance, advocating for a focused and timely approach to tasks to ensure ongoing freshness and enthusiasm. Also, The diversity within the team was another draw. I worked with people from many different background and culture, which promising a broadening of perspectives and a richer understanding of the global IT and cultural landscape.

What’s more, the convenience of the company’s location was a practical benefit for me. Situated in the CBD, it’s easily accessible by tram and train, and the flexibility to work from home offered an ideal balance, enhancing my work arrangement flexibility.

From technical perspective, I’ve been involved in several projects at the company so far. With the help of my experienced colleague, Mingzhe, who guided me through the onboarding and mentoring process, I’ve gained the skills needed to tackle technical challenges. I’ve observed that the company’s projects are not only technically advanced but also meaningful to clients and society. The team aims to utilizing modern web and geospatial technologies to simplify and improve people’s lives. Since we use AWS, the projects run on a stable and robust cloud platform, which helps make managing infrastructure and the development process more efficient. I feel fortunate that my previous AWS experience is proving to be valuable here. I believe that this blend of cutting-edge projects, supportive mentorship, and the use of reliable cloud technology positions me for significant professional growth and enables me to contribute meaningfully to clients and society.

Part 5: Summary

Look back on the journey of my transitions, words fall short in expressing my gratitude towards my parents, friends, and colleagues. Below, I’ve outlined some strategies that I found beneficial, aimed at international university students and graduates in software engineering:

  1. Build up technical skills: Academic performance is essential, and practical experience is also invaluable. Engage in IT-related internships, part-time jobs, or personal projects like websites or blogs. These activities provide a solid foundation for our professional journey.
  2. Improvement in Communication skills: Many international students face the hurdle of not being native English speakers, which can lead to hesitation in engaging with others. The key to improvement is consistent practice. Immersing ourselves in English-speaking settings, such as local TV shows or making friends with native speakers, can be beneficial. Among these, getting a job that demands English is perhaps the most effective method to enhance language skills and adapt more quickly.
  3. Be humble and ready to learn: The IT field is vast and ever-evolving, making continuous learning a cornerstone of success. Approach each opportunity with humility and eagerness to learn from everyone around us, regardless of their position. Remember, every interaction can offer new insights or perspectives. Embrace feedback, ask questions, and stay curious about the latest technologies and methodologies.
  4. Become a problem solver: It’s widely acknowledged that beginnings are inherently challenging, particularly for newcomers and recent graduates in the professional IT realm, there are always problems that block our ways. A crucial lesson my journey has taught me is that always to be a problem solver. As engineers, our essence is exactly in problem-solving; hence, we just need to apply this mindset to everyday challenges, such as overcoming language barriers, navigating social integration, and mastering technical skills.

I hope this has been an insightful read for you. And shall we all have wonderful journeys, filled with growth, learning, and successful transitions.

