LAPO is ranked among the best Swiss Blockchain companies

Mariyam Seguías
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2018

Zug-based investors CV VC, in collaboration with consultancy PwC and technology provider inacta, has compiled the first ever list of the top 50 companies in Crypto Valley and LAPO BLOCKCHAIN AG is part of this.

Companies qualifying for this crypto super-league must meet three criteria: Firstly, blockchain technology has to be part of the company’s core business, secondly, it must employ more than one person in Switzerland or Liechtenstein, and lastly, it should make some contribution to the blockchain ecosystem and the wider Crypto Valley community.

At LAPO they are building an entire financial ecosystem to facilitate the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies and foster financial inclusion. It is made up of tools and services such as multi-currency wallet, payment processing in multiple cryptocurrencies, decentralized trading platform, loans, credit and debit cards. The LAPO ecosystem is backed by the LAPO Coin, a cryptocurrency with a new hybrid paradigm that will make it a less volatile coin.

Some highlights at a glance:

-At the end of September 2018, CV Maps directory contained over 600 companies working with blockchain technology (directly, or as a service provider, such as specialized consultancies, law firms, blockchain organizations and academic institutions).

-According to CV Maps database, Blockchain companies employ around 3000 people in Switzerland. The Top 50 alone counts 443 employees. Most companies employ many more people abroad.

-The Top 50 companies together have a market capitalization of around US$ 44 billion, however the consolidated value of the sector overall can only be estimated, as many companies do not publish exact data.

-The Top 50 companies have a very strong capital base, especially compared to other startups. Many of them have funding in the tens or hundreds of millions.

-Five Blockchain Unicorns are either based in or have originated from the Crypto Valley: Bitmain, Cardano, Dfinity, Ethereum and Xapo.

-Crypto Valley contains a large subset of the blockchain industry, from health tech to data analytics to e-government. Two secondary areas feature in the top 50 list: the first is broker, trade & exchange and the second is platform & protocol. Each is represented by 11 companies. Other sub-sectors that include many companies are hardware & middleware as well as community, P2P & loyalty.


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