JavaScript Pills: accessing object keys using external variables

Lari Maza
Lari Maza | En
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2019
Photo by CMDR Shane

[clique aqui para ler em português]

This is a post from a series where I share insights from my journey with JavaScript in a mini article format. See all other posts on my profile!

Consider an object called shirt with a key named color storing the string 'blue':

const shirt = {  color: 'blue'}

If we had to access the value of color, we could either use the bracket notation shirt['color'] or the dot notation shirt.color. Both choices are equivalent, right? Hold that thought!

Let’s now create a variable and save the string 'color' inside it:

const myVariable = 'color';

Now, we can also use this variable to access the color value within the shirt object. We will first try the bracket notation. Watch this:

shirt[myVariable];// 'blue'

This is possible because, when executing this code, the myVariable variable is replaced with its content, which is the string 'color'. In practice, we are doing shirt['color'].

Ok, that makes sense! But just out of curiosity, let’s try this same type of access using the dot notation?

shirt.myVariable;// undefined

…Uh, what? Undefined? What happened here?

It gets easy to spot the difference between both scenarios if you know this basic concept about JavaScript objects: underneath the curtain, all keys in an object are strings, even when the quotation marks are omitted — which is our case.

When running shirt.myVariable, we are requesting JavaScript to find a key inside shirt which corresponds to the string 'myVariable', which doesn’t exist. In practice, that was exactly the same as doing shirt['myVariable'].

However, if you go back to using the bracket notation with shirt[myVariable], JavaScript doesn’t coerce (convert) the bracket contents into a string and looks for the variable instead — which is the behavior we expect.

That’s all for today and see you next time ❤

