Interviews With Beautiful Women We Admire: Natasha

Jenny Nelson
Lark & Olive
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2016

Meet Natasha.

Natasha is a beautiful and eccentric and very dear and very beautiful friend of mine. I find her inspirational, wacky, and most of all beautiful, just stunning, outside and inside and primarily outside, because isn’t that how we should choose our friends?—When I see someone (a woman someone) whom I find beautiful, I pounce on the friendship and then I get to know them and hope their personality is not offensive to my flaw-free lifestyle. Here is a peek into Natasha’s beautiful life!

What is a staple in your wardrobe?

My meat hat! It’s my secret to being noticed. If you ever want to walk into a room and be noticed, get a big juicy piece of red meat, some twine, hairspray, and a headband and I guarantee you will be the talk of the town. And the great thing is that the hat is only good for a few days, so you ALWAYS have an excuse to go shopping.

What is a staple in your home’s wardrobe?

Butter slippers. It’s incredibly luxurious and an easy way to spruce up any old slippers. Just take your favorite pair of slippers, fill them with sticks of butter and toss them in the microwave or let them melt naturally. And let me tell you, once you get your piggies in some butter you’ll wish every pair of shoes was filled with those yellow slippery sticks.

Does it help you in your decorating to think of your home as a woman (and blogger)?

Oh god no! When I’m decorating I shed any form of gender or digital identity. I find them wildly oppressive while I’m looking for dish towels.

What else in your life do you think of as women (and bloggers)?

On Mondays I think about the weather, Tuesdays I think about all the potential train delays, Wednesdays I think about rocks, Thursdays about tidal waves, Fridays I think about crops, and I take the weekend off for thinking. That’s about all the thinking I can take for one week.

What are you most looking forward to about the (beautiful) holiday season?

I can’t wait for all the turkey twine. I take the twine I use to cook my turkey in and then wear it in my hair from the day after thanksgiving to the day before thanksgiving. I keep the twine and then suck on the juices every night before bed. It’s a great way to maintain the spirit of the holidays all year round.

Now a silly question…what’s the last thing you ate?

I reserve food for wearing, so I don’t really understand this question, sorry! But thanks for asking!

