What Should You Look for in a Babysitter?

Jenny Nelson
Lark & Olive
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2016
photo by Abi Porter on Flickr

With two kids in the house and I pray every day another on the way, the husband and I need a stellar babysitter. Having someone to watch our sons gives us “me time” (separately, of course), allows me teach my Faking Freckles and/or Rosacea invite-only weekly makeup class, and gives us a romantic, intimate date night once every two years.

But how do you decide what babysitter is right for you? I consulted some of my most trusted fellow mothers and narrowed it down to these four traits.

Knows Your Children Well

Not only does the sitter know your child’s dietary restrictions, but do they know his taste in toys? Her religious beliefs at this very moment? Which interests of theirs to let blossom and which to nip in the bud (anything that gets the carpet dirty, am I right moms?!)?

A Creative Type

Growing up by the lake, my live-in caretaker had a PHD in macrobiotics. She’s the one who taught me how to ride a horse! (RIP Dr. Chaudhry!) In the city, which is where I live now and assume all my readers also live, that is less likely, so your main priority should be to have a sitter who can draw, paint, lithograph, and think outside of the box. Your child should be awed and inspired by their sitter.

Dresses to the Nines

I repeat, your child should be awed and inspired by their sitter!

A “Career” Babysitter

You never want to have a babysitter who’s just looking to make ends meet. These sitters are careless, and have you ever seen in movies where those sitters bring their boyfriends over? Not near my children, no thank you! I want a sitter who is dedicated to sitting—and nothing else.

Once you find a sitter that meets all these requirements, you are set! Personally, I found that the best sitter for my kids is…you’re gonna laugh…me!

