Your Friday Inspiration

Jenny Nelson
Lark & Olive
Published in
1 min readOct 14, 2016

Here we are, at the end of the “work”week. This week has been relaxing and reinvigorating as ever, but now it’s time to take a break and relax a little. But before we get to that, I just have to ask, have you ever mailed a letter alone?

I know what you’re thinking, silly question. I had never mailed a letter alone, either, until earlier this week—usually when I have to send a parcel via post I use that block-long walk as an opportunity to reconnect with an old gal pal, gal pal’s child, or loyal reader of my lifestyle blog or side-lifestyle blog. We walk to the post box and reminisce, quietly laugh, make discoveries about ourselves and the world around us, and more.

But the other day, with no one answering my many calls or blog comments, I mailed a letter alone, and rather than making me feel desperately lonely and forsaken by all my friends and fans it made me feel…empowered. I doubt I will ever do it again (who has the time!) but I think every woman should mail a letter alone once in her life. I sent mine to a blind person!

