3 Effective Productivity Hacks You’ve (Probably) Never Tried!

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3 min readJun 1, 2020

Wait! Before you roll your eyes, and go “another productivity hack article, really?” — hear us out. We know there are hundreds of articles out there that advise you on the same things to increase your productivity while working from home. Yes, you can set proper “hours,” or allocate a fixed “working area” in your home.

You can even turn your phone off, or lock it away so you can focus. Oh, and remember to take a break, get some exercise and sleep well. Do these “hacks” sound familiar? Probably, because every article has some version of them. Which is why we wanted to go a bit outside the box and find 3 unique productivity hacks to complement the ones you’ve put into practice.

1. Change Your Physical State

Changing your physical state through exercise has scientifically proven to stimulate your brain and increase productivity. If going for a run sounds too daunting, try taking smaller breaks during work by performing smaller workouts like 10 jumping jacks or a 1 minute plank.

Not only will this help your bloodflow, improve your physical and mental health, but it also can help alleviate decision fatigue and restore motivation! Changing your physical state doesn’t have to be an insane clapping ritual, but rather something simpler — as long as its consistent.

2. Countdown from 5

Okay, there’s no way that counting down from 5 can make you more likely to take an action you previously weren’t going to…right? Well, according to best-selling author Mel Robbins, it absolutely can. This method is known as the NASA method, because of how rockets are launched with the same countdown. We understand this sounds silly, but the science behind metacognition and tricking your brain into a sense of urgency is actually quite sound. So the next time you need to start writing an unappealing email, try to close your eyes and shout out “5…4…3…2…1…blast off!”

3. Develop your Grit

Grit, as defined by Wharton professor and best-selling author Angela Duckworth, is passion combined with persistence for long term projects. That’s good to know, but how does it apply to you? According to Duckworth, Grit is the psychological tool in your kit that helps push you through long and arduous tasks, the ones that drain you and make you want to give up.

The good news is that grit can be developed by focusing on 4 key areas: interest, purpose, practice, and hope. When you’re working from home, it may be hard to focus on finding purpose or hope — especially when you’re alone and feel isolated. A good way to start is by celebrating small physical wins, while setting clear long-term goals and building good habits. These can go a long way toward making you a grittier person!

In conclusion, we’re not saying that the common productivity hacks listed on the internet are not effective. Quite the contrary — the simpler they are, the more effective they are, since a lot of people have tried them. But if you want to try something different why not try one of the 3 unorthodox productivity hacks above!

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