Business Continuity Planning: Preparing for Any Eventuality

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2 min readMar 9, 2020

In today’s uncertain and volatile environment, companies must be prepared for all eventualities and look to minimise risks to business.

Each BCP is different but here are some handy tips to get you started.

Know the Risks and Threats Facing Your Organisation

Any disruption to the normal flow of business operations is a scary prospect. As we enter a turbulent future, however, having a robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is of the utmost importance.

The moment you accept that unplanned for threats are a possibility and something that can have damaging effects on your business, you can make a plan that looks first and foremost to protect your people and your key assets.

As with all plans, start with a list of possible risks and the impact this could have on your business, keeping in mind the advice of your experts. Be aware of geographical and cultural sensibilities, history and politics, no detail is too small, no quirk too miniscule.

After you have finished identifying the risks to your business, sort them by impact to see what you need to tackle first so that if the BCP ever needs to be activated, you know just what to do.

Know Your Key People

In the event of an occurrence that facilities the need of a BCP, you will need to quickly activate your key personnel identified in your BCP.

These personnel will be key in ensuring a successful BCP and roles should be assigned based not on the highest ranking employees but on people who fill roles that are absolutely business critical.

The list should be as big as necessary but as small as possible

Some key roles should be your HR staff, those people that hold key personnel information, travel dates, contact lists, that sort of thing as well as your finance team to ensure that you have sufficient access to capital should you need it.

Give Remote Working a Try

The beauty of modern connected technology is that so much of what required face-to-face collaboration can now be done online, anytime, anywhere.

Be it communicating with colleagues, working on projects, running high level meetings or even handling HR & Admin functions, there is very little that today’s powerful remote working tools aren’t capable of doing.

Thanks to remote working, the impact of anything requiring a BCP can be mitigated as the effects will be decentralised. This means that your business can keep running even in a situation that would cause you to temporary close your physical office.

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