Millennial Moments #1

Larry G.
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018

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I spend a ton of time online. Like an embarassing amount of time. It’s not completely my fault though. I’m a social media managing, marketing assistant.

It’s my job to hang out on the internet and come up with fun ideas to put into the world. It’s my job to write blog posts and do research and create emails and so on and so forth.

Since I have this platform. (I’m speaking it into existence.) I’d like to start sharing some of the things I find interesting throughout the week with all of you.

These things could range from songs, to articles, to blogs, I nstagrams, or whatever. Anything or anyone that I find noteworthy could be mentioned. So without further ado, I present the first Millennial Moments post.

This week’s Millennial Moments come in the form of education and resources for professional millennials. I’ll give you a few tips I use when it comes to efficiency and research. I’m also sharing a story that piqued my interest on Facebook. Keep scrolling for this week’s Millennial Moments.

2 Free Months of Skillshare

I’m not new to Skillshare. I have an account. I used their free trial before, but I was watching a Facebook video and they mentioned that they had a code for 2 free months of Skillshare.

Most of the time, once you do the free trial, that’s it. However, this time I decided to try it, AND IT WORKED! I have had access to all the Skillshare classes I wanted this week and it has been amazing!

I’ve already learned so much and now I want to pass that opportunity on to you! Skillshare has given me a link to share with you all for you to get your own 2 months free!

If you check it out and sign up for the service (after your 2 months) I will earn a free month! It’s that simple. Nothing to hide. If you’re interested, Click Here to learn more!

My Secret to Finding Quality Bloggers

In all honesty, this could and should be it’s own post, but I’ll just start it here and see where it goes.

So if you’ve been here a while, you’ll know that I’m a fan of The Financial Diet. I love their YouTube channel and visit their blog frequently. Well their blog is a breeding ground for quality bloggers.

I noticed that most of their blog content is user generated. A lot of the posts are recycled posts from someone else’s blog. Most of them are financially focused, but others are just lifestyle bloggers with something to say.

I think that this approach to creating blog content and traffic is genius. I go to The Financial Diet for information and go down the rabbit hole of an awesome blogger. Everyone wins!

Free Social Media Mockups

Ever since I learned how to work in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, I prefer to make my own graphics when it makes sense. I still use Adobe Spark and Canva for efficiency sake.

However, making my own graphics requires knowing the sizes (or saving them as presets). I don’t always remember the sizes and looking them up every time is a pain. Enter FREE Social Media Mockups.

Filtergrade is a great place for photographers and designers that provide quality resources for cheap or even FREE. In this case, here’s a post with a ton of FREE resources to use for social media.

This list ranges from post templates, to Instagram story templates, to social icons. This is just a cool resource I wanted to share with anyone who’s interested.

Steve Locke, I Fit the Description

I was scrolling through Facebook, and I saw a photo of a man seemingly dressed like he didn’t much. I say seemingly because after taking a closer look at his outfit, he actually was dressed pretty well, the colors were just dark.

The headline said something to the effect of “I fit the description”. These types of headlines always get me to stop. Their’s something interesting to me about the struggle of other black people in America.

I never know when something like their stories could happen to me, so I read to learn about and from their situations.

The article was by Steve Locke and it detailed a time when he was detained by the police because he fit a description. He was not arrested or anything, and he is physically fine.

If you’re interested, it’s a good read. Steve is a college professor and writes very well about the experience. He also shares his reactions after the experience.

That’s all I have for this week. Let me know if you enjoy this or learned something. I’d love to hear your feedback.

Originally published at on December 21, 2018.



Larry G.

Photographer | Writer specializing in portrait, editorial, and fine art. My personal work focuses on documenting overlooked moments of everyday life.