The Pro Millennial — An Intro

Larry G.
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2018

At the time of writing this, I’m a 25-year-old African American male working a 9 to 5 (actually it’s 7:30–4 but whatever) at a local credit union. This is my 3rd professional job after graduating from college and it’s safe to say I still don’t feel challenged enough. I have a degree in marketing with a concentration in advertising. My two previous jobs were with marketing agencies that focused on digital services. I left the first job because they couldn’t afford to pay me any more money. I left the second job because I also needed more money. Although I graduated without student loan debt (thank the Lord and my parents), I have still needed more money as I’ve gotten older (for things like food, living, transportation, etc.) which has caused me the need to switch jobs. I still have friends from both jobs, and I left on good terms should I need them in the future.

In addition to all of that, I also run a very small photo and video business on the side. I’ve been working on growing that as best I can while trying to maintain personal and professional relationships. I’m currently engaged to the love of my life. I have a brother in college who lives 3 hours away. I have other responsibilities and things I have to take care of. So why would I start this blog? Why am I doing this to myself? One word. Story.

My story, to be exact. I’m not exactly an over-sharer when it comes to life stuff. My social media is usually pretty clean with a few memes and inside jokes. I only post things that really strike me as necessary to post about. Every once in a while I post about my business, but my business is focused on photography and videography. I don’t want to change its focus, but I want to tell my story. I want a place to write about my experiences as a millennial working in marketing in a professional environment. I want to share my visions, ideas, and thoughts about projects that got scrapped because I work really hard on them, and I think someone besides myself and my supervisor should get to see them. Details like names and logos may be changed to protect companies and my colleagues.

Older generations usually dump all over millennials. So instead of going back and forth, I’d rather expose the entire system for what it is, and share my thoughts, insights and personal stories along the way. Buckle up buttercup because I’m a professional millennial, and these are my stories.

Originally published at on November 16, 2018.



Larry G.

Photographer | Writer specializing in portrait, editorial, and fine art. My personal work focuses on documenting overlooked moments of everyday life.