Sketch with Craft on my Macbook and InVisionApp on my iPhone

Creating Convincing App Prototypes

Andreas Larsen
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2016


I got access to the private beta of the Invision Craft tools other day and figured I’d show you some of what it can do. Craft is a set of tools that work inside Sketch.

Thoughts on Prototyping

As a designer and programmer I want to:

not just build the product right but also build the right product.

To do that I create prototypes and test them with my users. Unconvincing prototypes can distract the users with the risk of skewing the feedback I get. But 🕰 = 💰 and creating convincing prototypes used to take a lot of time. With the upcoming features of Craft this isn’t the case any more which is why I am really excited about it.


I don’t know the exact features planed but I’d like to highlight a few currently available:

  • Simple shortcut + drag’n’drop interface.
  • Works within you Sketch design file (no extra file required).
  • No coding.
  • Access to native iOS stuff such as e.g. segues, camera, keyboards and email.
  • Changes you make are live-synced to your prototype.
  • Your prototypes are stored inside InVision Viewer for “offline” testing.

In short: Craft enables you to create a prototype in minutes that your test users will think is a real app.

Get Access

It is still in private beta and you can 📝 on It crashes every now and then when creating a prototype but the actual prototype — the user facing part — seems production ready.

Demo Time:

I 🎥 this in two non-stop takes so please bear with me😊. Fullscreen video doesn’t seem to work on Medium so watch it on and remember to set the quality to 1080p🤓.

PS: Feel free to ask me anything here below or on twitter.

It’s played at 🐰 speed (2x) 🚀

My Setup

Apart from the apps already mentioned I’m using Reflector 2 to wirelessly mirror my iPhone for easy screen recording and keycastr to show what keys I press.



Andreas Larsen

Jack of all trades — master of some. Design+Code+Type+DIY. Meetup organizer.