L’ARTISTE Mag n°27

Don’t Let What Other People Think Of You Pull You Away From Your Authentic Self

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readJan 16, 2019


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Since birth, we’ve been taught to hide certain parts of who we are.

We’ve been taught to be “good girls” and “good boys” because perception is everything to us.

But this is wrong on so many levels.

The truth is that, perception shouldn’t even matter.

Who you appear to be shouldn’t be more important than who you truly are.

But more importantly, we shouldn’t become a version of ourselves that was based and fashioned by other people’s opinions.

You see, when we let people’s opinions influence what we do and who we become, we give them the power to create who we are.

But the real question is, what do other people really know about who we truly are?

They didn’t make us.

Unless, they are our parents…

Then in that case they did in fact make us.

But what I mean is that, they didn’t decide to put everything that is in us.

They didn’t put our abilities inside of us.

