How Holland Roden Became an Actress

Everyone Was Born To Do Something Specific

Lalaina Rackson
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2018


In the continuation of yesterday’s post, I would like to talk about how Holland Roden — who is on the front cover of this issue of L’ARTISTE Mag — took the creative route and became the incredible actress that she is now.

In a werewolf con interview she admitted that she kind of knew that she was interested in the whole movie scene but she didn’t really realize that that was a profession.

She says,

“I loved storytelling. I loved going to the movie theater and you know when the movie ends, I would always get that feeling of wondering what would’ve happened when the movie ended and so I knew that I liked that but I didn’t really put together that that was a profession.”

She then admitted that when she was younger she actually wanted to be an astronaut and she later on went to college to become an astro physicist.

Unfortunately for her, she felt like even if she gave it her all, she was simply not meant to be an astro physicist.

“I do believe that people were born to do certain things and I definitely don’t believe that I was born to be an astro physicist so that’s when I thought that a creative outlet might be better for me.”

