L’ARTISTE Mag n°26

Why Do We Hide Our True Authentic Selves?

How To Be Authentic And Let Others Be Authentic Too

Lalaina Rackson
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2018


I think that one of the main things that we all want as human beings, is to be accepted.

Acceptance is really important to us.

We are social beings so we need to know that we fit in this human community.

Yet, I find it funny that we also have created a society that was built on not accepting ourselves or anyone for that matter!

Let me ask you a question, if we are so scared of not being accepted, then why did we create a society that teaches us what we can or cannot be, or even what we can or cannot look like, or even what we can or cannot do?

Our whole society is based on what we should be and what we should do but who are we to tell each other who we should be or what we should do?

Who are we to say what’s acceptable or not acceptable?

By us simply saying that we shouldn’t be a certain way because it won’t be acceptable in our society, we make the rules of our society and we show that we won’t accept each other for what we really are.

Those rules then get passed on from generations to generations until it becomes a known fact…

