Laser Airdrop to Ethereum Holders Coming Soon…

Laser Richard
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2018

Welcome back, everyone!

After announcing the Laser Network last week, we’ve been getting a flood of interest from all angles of the blockchain community.

The most common question by far is, “Where can I purchase Photons?

(Photons are Laser’s proprietary cryptocurrency).

So, in today’s post we’ll answer that question for you.

Plus, we’ll show you how you can collect additional Photons by staking them on our network.

When the Laser Network launches, there are three ways you can acquire them…

Coming Soon: The Laser Photon Airdrop

The first way you can acquire Photons is from our network launch airdrop.

The Laser Network is a hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain. Which means that if you own Ethereum, you’re all set join the revolution.

When the network launches, we will distribute a targeted airdrop of Photons to holders of Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).

We will distribute 10.5 million Photons to Ethereum holders, which makes up 25% of the supply of Photons.

These are completely free and you won’t have to do anything other than download our wallet to claim them.

Laser’s Photons Are Also Coming to Your Favorite Cryptocurrency Exchange

The second way you can acquire Photons is to buy them on a cryptocurrency exchange.

We can’t announce which ones they will be listed on, but you can expect to find Photons on many of the top cryptocurrency exchanges.

So be sure to follow us on Twitter, which is where we will announce the details of the Photon airdrop… as well as new exchange listings.

Support the Laser Network and Earn 17%-69% per Year.

The Laser Network is supported by our breakthrough servicenode system pictured in the diagram below.

Support the Laser Network: Run a Servicenode and Earn 17%-69% per Year

This layer runs on top of any blockchain with multi-signature capabilities, which is common among virtually all major cryptocurrencies.

The third way to acquire Photons is to help support the Laser Network by staking your Photons as collateral to run a servicenode.

These servicenodes support the network by…

1. Allowing users of the network to send any supported coins or tokens to any other supported cryptocurrency wallet address. So, for example, you can send Ethereum to a Bitcoin address.

2. Allowing users of the Laser Network to send any supported tokens anonymously through our Join service, which scrambles tokens to prevent traceability through the blockchain. So, for example, you could send Bitcoin anonymously without having to worry about the currency’s movement being tracked by others.

3. Allowing users of the Laser Network to transact supported tokens on a near-instant basis with pseudo-confirmation.

To jump start the network and encourage users to operate servicenodes, you only need 1,500 Photons to set up your servicenode.

Further, we’ve set up a generous incentive model that will help to build out the network quickly. As a reward for running a servicenode, you can collect an estimated additional 17%-69% Photons per year.

For a complete breakdown of these payouts, you can read our whitepaper.

Keep up with the latest by following us on Twitter and signing up to our newsletter, so you can join the revolution and have an early stake in Laser — blockchain without borders.

