Laser Crowdsale Opens September 3rd — Telegram Q&A Session on Friday Evening

Laser Richard
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2018

We’re finally here.

The Laser Protocol crowd sale will open on Monday September 3rd…

And you can get started right now by using this link to register.

The Laser crowdsale is available to all investors worldwide…

But US-based investors must be accredited.

Also, Laser will require all prospective investors to pass a KYC and AML verification process.


If you are new to crypto you might wonder what a crowdsale is…

And it’s simply a way to invest in a blockchain project, by getting an early stake in it.

Laser’s crowdsale is structured in such a way that you get two types of assets as part of your investment…

Registration for Laser’s September 3rd Crowdsale is now OPEN

1. Shares in our Cayman-based subsidiary Laser Technologies Corp.

2. A “kicker” of one Photon token for every share purchased

Now, every token works differently…

So, after you register…

We recommend you review our Whitepaper, to see how Laser works, along with its Photon token.


We think Laser — Blockchain Without Borders — will play a big role in the future of the blockchain ecosystem.

Our goal is to become the SWIFT of blockchain…

To become the blockchain for allowing any cryptocurrency to be exchanged for any other cryptocurrency in the world.

The backbone of that is our tech innovation we’re calling the Servicenode layer.

Here is a little bit about the Servicenode layer…

Operates parallel to an existing blockchain network. As it runs parallel, it is able to translate unique attributes of clients and nodes on each blockchain into a “generic” code that can be understood by all blockchains that run with Laser. This “generic” code effectively enables blockchains to speak the same language to each other.

The result of this is that a user of Cryptocurrency A can send money to the Cryptocurrency B wallet of their recipient. Instead of being restricted to just their own cryptocurrency, Laser eliminates the borders of the blockchain world through a parallel Servicenode layer, much like how SWIFT eliminated the borders of the banking world.


By investing in the Laser crowdsale not only could you benefit as we roll out support to new cryptocurrencies…

But you can also stake (or pool) Laser’s native cryptocurrency (called Photon tokens).

We’ve set up a generous incentive model that will help to build out the network quickly.

So, as a reward for running a servicenode, you can collect an estimated additional 17%-69% Photons per year.

Take the first step now…

Register your interest for the Laser crowdsale using this link.

After that, take some time to review our Whitepaper.

And, if you have any questions, on Friday August 25, at 5:30 PM EST, we’re holding a Q&A session…

So, join us in our Telegram channel and send us any questions along that you have.

