First baby step of Lassi

Lakshmi Ravali
3 min readNov 23, 2018


The dream behind Lassi……..

Let’s start the story with a well-known proverb “Avoid hurry, worry and hot curry”.

But, isn’t it inevitable in today’s fast-paced world to get rid of these three things. Especially, in the food-courts of IT parks and malls. All those long queues, waiting and confusion of orders. That’s pretty annoying and can even make a happy man frown, We totally agree with you.

Well, we being food-lovers ourselves. We know the value of a happy and peaceful meal. We thought why not provide that to everyone. Come on, don’t you deserve to have a meal @ peace.?

This embarked on the journey of Lassi — Refresh the way you order :-)

Why Lassi got its name as Lassi?

We were searching for a name which meant a new and refreshing experience. We needed an Indianized i.e, desi name in specific as we wanted our product to be connected with its roots. Then, walla.. the name “Lassi” popped. Lassi is a refreshing drink, keeps the cool and it’s yummy too.!! What can be better than that.? ;-)

So, yeah.! All the pieces fell into the place and Lassi became the name of our app. This is the small story of how Lassi out of all names became our identity.

The 60 days marathon…Get,Set & Go..!!

The solution had to be provided soon. We wanted to end the “hurry-burry” eating ritual and create a new “Eat @ peace” ritual.

The few challenges were finding a name for the app with an available domain. The domain hunt — all the food names starting from a to z were already taken by some or other product. That is when we found Lassi — it wasn’t easy to get the domain, but was worth it at the end. :-)

Then comes the logo design. A true challenge for our designing team. Why not? After all, they were about to create a face for the Lassi app. After loads & loads of discussion and designing sessions. Our team had finally agreed on this design.

The biggest challenge was to find someone who believes in our idea. Though, this problem was everywhere. As a start-up, it was difficult for us to get an opportunity to prove ourselves. Luckily, the Ascendas Phase-1 food court came along and gave us the kick-start.

After naming & re-naming ceremonies, long hours of discussion on what features to which designs. Our team made it through..!! Let it be the “Day 0 — what is the name for the app” or “Day 59 — the bugs bash”. Each day defined and shaped Lassi to the app it is today.

How it became reality?

No matter what u make, the satisfaction is achieved only when you know you made the right one. So, our proud moment was when the product was finally launched on 12th October 2018

Lassi has taken its first step in the Ascendas food court at Taramani and this is a glimpse of the launch and our amazing team.

Well, are you now wondering how does Lassi actually work? Stay tuned for more..!!! :)

