You Might Be More Stupid Than You Think

The Dunning-Krugger effect is pandemic.

Franco Scucchiero
Last Day I Was Thinking
3 min readOct 20, 2019


We sometimes argue with people who make us wonder how humanity has not yet become extinct. It is not clear where this incompetence comes from, although it is common to believe that religion, technology or even food agents are the cause.

If anything identifies this generation, it is that we can all shout our voices, so let me share my thoughts on that.

Dunning-Kruger effect

The first ingredient

Nowadays it is not necessary to shout to reach more people, as we have louder voices in our pockets.

At the beginning of this century, the average IQ measured continued to rise. Recent research shows that this may have reached its climax, and now the average IQ is declining.

The second ingredient

Have you been noticing more and more people which you couldn’t even have an argument with?

“In other words, we have started building a more stupidity-inducing environment.” says Tyler Cowen.

I’m sure you never thought about this more than a few seconds, and it would be okay if it hadn’t turned into a problem. As studies have shown, the Dunning-Kruger effect makes “people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is”.

For the first time we can scientifically call someone incompetent.

The power of a click

Image from The Walking Dead

These two phenomena may be closely correlated, as our source of information becomes our mobile phones, where everyone makes their way to speech.

As studies have shown, immediate access to information is what keeps us stuck on our mobile phones. This immediate access to information puts us at the top of the Dunning-Kruger effect, making us prone to propagate the effect when we feel safe enough to do so.

This type of virus does not have a favorite host, but spreads throughout the Internet.


People tend to share unreliable information on social media, which puts other people in the top of the Dunning-Kruger curve and as some sort of virus contributes to spread this weird effect.

I see a rather uncertain future considering that with the advancements of the AI, it will be very difficult to distinguish real news from fake news on the internet.

Most of us don’t realize the power of social media. To simply share a tweet might cause hundreds or even thousands of people to automatically stick to that and put themselves into the peak of confidence.

Do not get infected.


This article may be written by a victim of this infection.

