12 Ways of Making Money as a Photographer [Interview Session]

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7 min readJul 18, 2022

I hopped on a video call with a friend, a photographer who stays in Hungary. We discussed life in general.

In the course of our discussion, she said this: “In this world, there are two kinds of people, dear: those with boring jobs, and those who dig.”

She laughed

- Uzor, I enjoy every single day working as a photographer, polishing my skills, and learning about human nature, while my sister spends her days filling in Excel sheets… hey, she loves her job


I asked her — “How did you transform your passion [photography] into a profitable profession?”

Her answer is the foundation on which this blog post is written. But before we jump into that, here is what she said -

“…today, it’s easier than ever to create a stunning photography portfolio and promote it online to attract more clients. But you need some actionable ideas to start turning shots into cash.”

How to Make Money as a Photographer

1. Teach photography

You have tons of valuable techniques and tips that other photographers would want to learn. You can do this by organizing beginner classes for people living in your city, and teaching the basics while showing your passion for photography.

2. Photograph small businesses

Nowadays, a business without a website is losing out — from restaurants, and hotels to yoga instructors.

They share one thing in common:

An online platform.

And they want to fill up with beautiful pictures. This is where your services are needed to photograph their stores, offices, or teams.

How do you find them? First and foremost, in real life.

Dress up, take a walk around your neighborhood and speak to business owners in an informal way about what you do, and how you can help them attract more clients with stunning photos.

Don’t forget to go with your phone or computer to show your work because some people want to see visuals rather than explanations.

Also, don’t neglect the online space. Many business owners are online but their businesses might not be online.

They use Google to find information, so make sure you’ve worked on the local SEO of your photography website, this free SEO tool would help you.

3. Shoot portraits

Having a studio to shoot portraits is what every photographer should get but you can do just fine without one. Many clients like outdoor shoots, so there are many opportunities for you to take advantage of.

Get creative and don’t only take the classic ‘passport’ pictures. Nowadays, people want beautiful images of themselves to put on their social media profiles and websites.

Don’t limit yourself to bipeds because there are many, especially, pet owners who want to immortalize their best friends (furry friends) and are willing to pay to get the assistance of a professional.

4. Sell your photos to magazines

This is a huge opportunity for photographers, countless online publications are willing to pay for your photos.

And since a magazine can not be complete without images, you have a huge opportunity waiting for you.

The work goes from covering an event to shooting portraits for an interview or using your existing content as illustrations.

Working with magazines requires you to build a network and make a name for yourself in the industry.

So I recommend starting small and targeting local publications first, before reaching out to the big brands.

5. Shoot events

This is one of the most classic ways to make money as a photographer — weddings, birthdays, and company events. It can be exhausting, but there’s good money to be made.

You have plenty of opportunities to explore. You’re right on time, in this blog post we covered various niches of photography to consider.

The amount you charge depends on your reputation, the moment of the year, and your location.

Also, before you charge your client, always take into account the hours of pre and post-production — not only the action time.

How to Make Money as a Freelance Photographer

6. Sell copies of your work

You and I love beautiful things, and photography is one of them, it’s in our DNA


As a photographer, you can offer high-quality shots at a very reasonable price and people would be willing to pay for your services.

7. Get gigs as an assistant photographer

On days you’re free, reach out to other photographers to work as an assistant photographer.

This will offer you an opportunity to make some good money without having to be in the driving seat of negotiation and all the other hassles that come with it.

Plus, it’s a great way to minimize the down-times and gain more experience.

However, to get more of these offers, you need to do some networking. Connect with others photographers in your area, register with professional associations if there are any, and don’t neglect groups on Facebook and other social media networks.

8. Edit and retouch

You can work from home helping people who want to remove slight imperfections in their photos. This is a perfect side hustle for a photographer.

Before you announce yourself as one that does this, first create a new section on your website homepage to publish some videos showing how to transform a conventional picture into a jaw-dropping image.

How to Make Passive Income as a Photographer

9. Sell your photos on stock websites

Stock websites are platforms that sell millions of pictures and videos to businesses, marketing agencies, and media.

In return, the photographers get a commission every time their work is downloaded. These platforms have an amount they pay out per download.

Looking for stock websites to upload your photos? We created this blog post on 18 stock websites to sell your photography.

10. Create a photography blog

Having a blog will boost the SEO of your photography website, establish you as an authority in your field, and generate money for you.

You can make money with your photography blog by putting ads to get paid every time a visitor clicks on them and through affiliate marketing, this can easily be done by writing reviews on products that photographers need.

Whichever option you decide to go with, you need huge traffic coming to your site to make substantial money out of your writing.

How to Make Money With Photography Online

11. Enter photo contests

As a photographer, don’t rely on this option if you want to make money.

Participating in a contest is a great way to connect with people outside your city or country, and to have your work and probably your site’s link featured on other websites.

A contest is good for your exposure, and your website SEO, and should help bring you more clients to you.

12. Create websites for others

There are a lot of small business owners, including photographers, that desperately need a website and don’t have the skills or time to design one themselves.

This is where you can tap into by offering your services. Not your job per se, but it’s still a great way to make extra income, especially during the photography off-season.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much can you earn as a photographer per year?

This depends on many factors, including the location where your business is, your studio space or you operate from home, the types of photography you offer, and the competition in your area.

Which type of photography makes the most money?

Once you’re established and have a huge clientele base, the earning potential in wedding photography, commercial photography, and general portrait photography tends to be the highest.

Is Photography a Good Career?

The answer is: YES if you put in the needed work and time. Like other professions, much depends on perseverance, self-motivation, and willingness to invest your time and effort.

First, you must have a passion for it. Then decide on what type of photographer you want to be. We’ve written how to find the best photography niche and the 25 things you need to help you get started.

Is It Hard to Make Money as a Photographer?

In the beginning, it can be difficult to make money because there is no single pathway to achieve success.

With the explosion of social media, YouTube, and influencers, you can create your own way to success as a photographer.

You may want to get a degree or learn under an established photographer. However, you can start a blog, or a YouTube channel, sell your photographs to stock websites, teach others, or edit other photographers’ images.

Originally published at https://myhustleinfo.com on July 18, 2022.



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