25 Things You Need to Start a Photography Business With No Experience

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6 min readJun 11, 2022

Looking to start your own photography business even without running a business before?

A lot of questions are running through your mind like “Is it worth it? What are the pros and cons of starting this? What equipment do I need?

Well, as Walt Disney rightly puts it:

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Today, we’re going to discuss the things you need to start a photography business.

The Pros and Cons of Starting a Photography Business

Why do you need to know the pros and cons of starting a photography business?


Your hobbies and businesses are two different things.

So, before you consider starting a photography business, knowing the pros and cons are important.


1. Make money from your passion: To make money is the reason you decided to venture into photography. It’s not bad because you’re generating income doing what you love: taking photographs.

2. Flexibility: Running a photography business can provide enough flexibility to you and your family making it easier to spend time with those you love.

3. Meet new people: Photography is a great way for you to meet a lot of people either at weddings, in your studio, on the street, or anywhere.

4. Find meaning in the work: You’ll be hired to capture and preserve special moments for people.

5. Travel opportunities: This business will provide a lot of traveling because you will be hired by clients outside your location.


1. Cost of buying expensive equipment: It can be expensive to buy everything you need to start your photography business.

2. Unsociable working hours: Many of your photo shoots can take place outside your normal working hours probably during weekends. You may find it challenging to spend time with friends and family.

3. Difficult customers: Some customers’ behavior can be draining.

4. Inconsistent income: Just like any small business, income isn’t always consistent, you need time to build a regular flow of work.

25 Photography Business Ideas

Most successful photographers have a niche they are known for.

Why? Because specialists are more sought after than generalists.

So think about it: If you’re getting married, would you hire a general photographer or someone who specializes in wedding photography?

Meaning before you start your photography business, take time to decide and find the best photography niche you want to be known for.

In this article, I discussed a list of the 25 best photography niches to choose from as a beginner.

What Equipment Do You Need to Become a Photographer (Photography Business)

Here’s a list of the things you need to start a photography business.

1. Professional Camera

The most important piece of equipment you’ll need is a professional camera. Before you buy a camera, make sure to do enough research on the best model for your type of photography. Or, ask those in the business the ones they are using.

2. Backup Camera

Just imagine if you’re hired to cover a wedding and your camera stopped working during the vows!

That’s why you need a high-quality backup camera. That way, if you’re shooting and something goes wrong with your camera, you’ll continue the shoot.

3. Lenses

As a photographer, you need a set of professional lenses to capture your subjects. Ensure to research the types of lenses suitable for your style of photography.

4. Tripod

Tripods are important equipment for all photographers. Not only do you need them to keep your camera steady, but to allow you to take many shots without altering your frame.

5. Camera Bag

Professional cameras and lenses are not cheap, so you have to protect them from damage with a dedicated bag. This bag makes it easier to organize and access your gear while shooting outdoors.

6. Lighting

You need great lighting to get great photographs. Although natural lighting is often best, however, you need to purchase some lighting equipment or reflectors to help you take great photos when there’s not enough sunlight.

7. Backdrops

If you’re venturing into the portrait photography business, you’ll need to buy some backdrops.

8. Reliable transportation

Your mind is on starting a photography business but you need a reliable means of carrying your equipment for outdoor shooting.

9. Props

Depending on the photography niche you plan to get into, you will be sourcing some props occasionally.

10. Studio space

You need to rent a studio space. Or, create a small studio in your home.

11. Computer

You need a computer to market your business, edit photos, as well as manage your photo files.

12. Editing software

You’ll need some photo editing software like Photoshop and Lightroom to fine-tune your photos.

13. External hard drive

Some high-quality digital photos can take enough space on your computer, which will slow your computer speed. To avoid that, invest in an external hard drive to store your files.

14. Photo printer

Some clients will need hard copies of their photographs, so investing in a photo printer will be a nice one. Alternatively, locate a printing service to use whenever the need arises.

15. High-definition smartphone

You need your smartphone to capture behind-the-scenes content for your social media posting. This content can be in promoting your photography business.

16. Mobile photography apps

Download some mobile editing apps to polish your phone photos before you share them online. Check out Snapseed, Lightroom CC, Scratch Photos, etc.

17. Website and online portfolio

You’ll need an SEO-optimized website that highlights your services and shows your previous work.

18. Social media channels

Social media channels are the perfect place to promote your work and network with potential clients. Don’t joke with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc, because these platforms have the potential to bring clients to you.

19. Business cards

Business cards are a form of personal marketing. Always go out with them and share them with new prospects at events. Use Vistaprint, Staples, Office Depot, etc to create yours.

20. Business bank account

As a business owner, you’ll need a business bank account to collect payments from clients. This will help you to separate your money from the business and to help keep proper records.

21. Register your business

Registering your business with the authorized government agency will help avoid troubles that may come up. Also, make sure to know if there are any requirements needed in starting a photography business in your area.

22. Insurance

Accidents can happen. Ensure your business or equipment helps protect you if things go wrong.

23. Accounting software

Being self-employed entails that you keep track of your finances and tax-related issues. You need accounting software such as Freshbooks, Quickbooks, or Xero to handle that.

24. Client contracts

Any time there’s a new project, ensure you have the client sign a contract. This will help to protect you if things go wrong. You can easily download contract templates online or hire a lawyer to create contracts for you.

25. Join a photography organization

Find a recognized photography organization and become a member. One that will provide resources, advice, and education to its members.

How to Brand Your Photography Business

Before you start marketing your business, first, create your brand visuals.

This entails choosing your visual style, colors, and fonts. These visuals can be used on your website, social media pages, business card, and any other marketing materials

Also, you’ll need to create a professional logo. This can be done with Canva.

How to Market Your Photography Business

The most important part of starting a photography business: is landing clients.

For this to become a reality, you need to market your services.

But before you start marketing your business, get a digital portfolio of your work ready to showcase your skills to prospects. And the easiest way to display your portfolio is to build a professional website.

To learn more about building your photography portfolio, check out our guide, Digital Marketing Portfolio (Learn It in 5 Minutes).

Once you have a portfolio, you can start marketing your photography business.

Start by posting on social media and reaching out to your family and friends to ask if they know anyone who may be interested in your services.

Also, make sure that your business cards are always with you to give to people you meet.

Become active on social media by creating content that teaches, entertains, and inspires people. As they say, the best marketing is one that doesn’t look like marketing.


I’d like to turn things over to you:

Which equipment from this list would you’re presently using or the most important?

Or maybe you know some equipment that I didn’t mention here.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below.

Originally published at https://myhustleinfo.com on June 11, 2022.



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