How a Virtual Assistant Can Leverage Storytelling to Increase Your Conversions

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7 min readMar 10, 2022

Using narrative helps your ideas stick in the minds of your customers. And stories assist them to know more about your products and services.

This is why telling your business stories helps in creating trust and transparency with your customers, and they are used in sales pitches to persuade.

Why is storytelling effective?

The rate at which information is created across various media platforms is increasing.

And the number of people who read blogs is dwindling.

The majority of consumers skim through web information in search of something unique. They’ll depart if they can’t find it.

So visual storytelling and business storytelling helps consumers connect the dots and act on your valuable material. And it’s the key to media marketing success.

Today, in this post, we are going to learn how storytelling helps your business and why you need a virtual assistant.

Let’s dive in.

What is a Virtual Assistant?

Virtual assistants are self-employed workers that handle content writing, social media management, web design, marketing, etc for businesses from their remote locations.

In this article, we explained everything you need to know about virtual assistants, what they do and how they can benefit your business.

What is Storytelling?

The art of weaving words, sights, and sounds into a narrative to communicate an idea, message, or event is known as storytelling.

This is the type of content that we enjoy: visual, written, and spoken narrative.

Your message is seen as authentic when you narrate a true story.

Your content will influence the lives of your target market and boost your credibility in the same manner that live events receive more retweets on social media networks than general tweets.

Because visual tales are what we live for. Even in the Stone Age, people knew how to tell stories that piqued their curiosity and provoked an emotional response.

Humans are born storytellers who love to communicate visually. And storytelling breathes life into any situation.

9 Types of Brand Storytelling a Virtual Assistant Can Create For Your Business

Here’s a list of 9 types of brand storytelling a virtual assistant can create for your business:

1. Data-driven brand storytelling

This brand storytelling leverages analytics, statistics, and data to gain your customer attention and also build trust.

Incorporating data into your brand’s story, the virtual assistant will show how your products, services benefit your target customers.

Virtual assistants combine data when crafting your brand’s values, goals, or mission statement.

This will enable them to create a story that motivates a customer to take the desired action — sign up for your newsletter, make a purchase, etc.

2. Mission-focused brand storytelling

Your VA should be able to use your advertising campaigns to share the purpose of your brand.

Highlighting why the reasons for starting the business, or the motivating factor behind why the employees are happy to serve the customers.

With this type of storytelling, your customers can connect with your business based on the core values.

3. Audience-centered brand storytelling

This type of storytelling allows the consumers to be in charge, instead of the brand.

Because it focuses on the needs of the audience and strives to provide them with valuable content via their advertising campaigns.

So the content your VA will develop has to educate your audience, provide them with entertainment or improve their lives in a way.

However, it takes time to see the ROI from this type of storytelling, but it results in loyal customers.

4. Visual brand storytelling

This is incorporating compelling photos, videos, graphics, and animations to attract the targeted audience.

Using images to illustrate your brand’s story will provide a more engaging visual experience and create memorable ad campaigns for your customers.

Also, you can use your customers’ emotions by selecting images that portray your company.

5. News outlet brand storytelling

Here, you’ll be establishing your brand as an expert and leader in the industry.

Your VA will create content that informs customers that educate and educates them about industry news.

This is where podcasts, blog posts, videos, or social media are used to establish your brand’s credibility.

6. Employee-focused brand storytelling

This involves interviews to create video content, capture lifestyle photos of you and your team at work, and incorporate some quotes in the advertising materials.

Allowing your employees to tell your brand story can help your business appear more authentic and help customers develop a personal connection with your brand.

Also, this brand storytelling can help your business improve your hiring and recruitment campaigns by showing a positive work culture.

7. Character-driven brand storytelling

This features real people, fictional characters that represent your company.

The character-driven brand storytelling approach focuses on using one individual in all your advertising campaigns to create consistency and familiarity.

Over time, customers may begin to associate the character with your business.

This can help your brand appear more human, convey your personality and create memorable connections with your customers.

8. Product or service-based brand storytelling

Using this type of storytelling will help you highlight how and why you developed your products and services.

Marketers, which are your VAs may use the product or service-based brand storytelling to show the key features and benefits.

This can help your customers understand the value behind your products and services and determine whether they are better than your competitor’s.

9. Customer brand storytelling

This illustrates how your products or services can provide real value to your consumers.

Virtual assistants may share how your products or services helped a customer overcome a challenge or incorporate testimonials from fans who love your brand.

By allowing your existing customers to help them tell your brand story, you will cultivate a deeper understanding of your target audience. And help them envision using your products or services themselves as well.

How Does Storytelling Help Your Business

Storytelling conveys a sense of purpose, and having a sense of purpose will help your company stand out to your target clients, resulting in increased loyalty.

As a result, having a fantastic product or service isn’t enough; your company needs to stand out.

The following are the ways storytelling help your business

Marketing and advertising

Storytelling is a powerful marketing strategy that people want to connect and the best adverts do this by being relatable, or evoking emotions.

However, it should be transparent so consider telling the audience what you struggled with and how you were able to pull through. This will make them care about you and your product or service.

Ensure that the story remains consistent across all platforms. You aim to make the audience understand your vision and a consistent story will do this.

Growth of the company

Any business plan you come up with, whether it’s for a new product or expanding your firm, has to have a backstory.

Tell your customers why your service or product is worth buying or investing in by telling a story and providing context.

Storytelling allows your audience to connect with you, which increases their faith in you and your brand.

This is only possible if the audience can relate to your story and it’s possible if they see themselves as the character in your story.

Competitive advantage

Customers are exposed to so much information and it’s easy for a business to get lost in the noise.

This is why storytelling is what distinguishes your brands because it positions you better than your competitors.

Maintains attention and increases understanding

Stories are engaging. Whether it’s used in a pitch or an advert, you’ll hardly lose your audience’s attention. This is why motivational speakers begin their speeches with stories.

Stories are structured forms of communication that help the audience understand the message being passed.


Stories influence our decision making People, for example, you want to buy a product, you go online and read reviews on it, which are stories, not facts and features.

The same thing happens when people are in the decision process — they’re kind of thinking, “why should I patronize this business?” They are thinking of reasons so they look for stories.

So you need to use storytelling to answer the question “why should people care?”, whether you’re targeting customers or potential stakeholders.

Humanizing your brand and increasing profit

Successful companies like Apple, Microsoft have unique stories behind them and that stirs up purpose and meaning into what they do.

To succeed you need a vision that your target audience doesn’t only believe but they buy into it. Because people are comfortable buying from brands they believe in, love.

So using storytelling to show your brand empathetic nature will likely lead to your success.

And social media has made it possible for people to engage with brands by asking questions and sharing their thoughts and feelings as though the brand is a person.

Emotionally connect people and create loyalty

Good stories evoke emotional reactions — people relate and connect with stories, they believe in the brand, and what it stands for.

When people read or listen to a story, it makes them feel what the protagonist is feeling, which is why a good way to connect with your audience is through storytelling.

The story can be about a mistake you made, a failure, or maybe life was rough for you or the company in the past.

People relate to stories about mistakes and failures because we have in one stage of our life experienced them.

And the more your target customers relate to you or understand the backstory about the creation of the brand, the more you and your company would be loved by them.

So always remember that humans make emotional and not rational decisions so evoking emotions through storytelling should be taken seriously.

Because you’ll be able to transfer your vision into a story and communicate it using a marketing strategy.


Our brain is wired to remember memorable and visual stories.

So the sooner you allow a VA to use storytelling in your marketing and content creation, the more your conversions increase.

Also, there is no shortcut to improving your business ROI. You have to feed Google and your target audience with fresh, high-quality content consistently.

Over to you.

Have you leveraged storytelling to increase your business conversions? We want to know your experience and also, how do you respond to other people’s stories?

Originally published at on March 10, 2022.



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Lastiana is a digital marketing agency — Helping SaaS startups succeed through online marketing