Virtual Assistants — 5 Ways They Help to Scale Your Business

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6 min readJan 20, 2022

Most times in the business world, growing and scaling are used interchangeably by many people.

And recently, a prospect wanted us to scale her business but kept using “growth”, her mind was that growing a business is more straightforward than scaling up.

On the Zoom call, I had to explain to her that growth is increasing her resources in proportion to an increase in her revenue.

I went further to say that the traditional way of growing business results in a significant cost increase, which I don’t think that’s what she wants.

“What is scaling?” She asked.

Scaling means that you don’t need to spend a lot to increase your revenue. So, as a small business owner, you don’t have a big budget, scaling is the more practical and feasible option for you.

Today we are going to discuss how virtual assistants help to scale your business and the top VAs to use in running it.

Let’s dive in.

Table of content

Why choose virtual assistants when scaling your business.

5 ways virtual assistants scale your business.

What are the top virtual assistants? How can a virtual assistant help your business?

Why Choose Virtual Assistants When Scaling Your Business

Scaling your business needs an increase in the size of your company but without spending too much.

And that’s why turning to VAs to increase your workforce is a smart move for your small business compared to growing your on-site staff.

Hiring a VA, you won’t worry about their office space, monthly salary, or other benefits that you’re supposed to provide for your employees. Instead, you have the talent, skill, and experience without additional expenses.

And if you go to virtual assistant agencies like Lastiana, you won’t worry about social media management, content writing, data analysis & entry, and administrative assistants.

Another benefit of choosing virtual assistants when scaling your business is access to a pool of skills and experience needed for your business growth.

5 Ways Virtual Assistants Scale Your Business

1. Free up time for your staff

One major benefit of hiring a VA is the time

your staff will have to do their work

In many small businesses, their in-house consist of a few people doing many things. And when there are a few people to do many tasks, things get missed and clients get overlooked.

Your reputation can be harmed and that can cause friction with your clients.

If this sounds familiar, it’s an indication you need virtual assistant services.

Hiring a virtual assistant will let your team do what they are good at — bring in leads, focus on making processes efficient, engage in client meetings, and more.

2. Level up customer service

Customer service is not only answering questions, conducting damage control but answering prospect calls — an important part of increasing your sales.

A prospect can contact you via email, phone call, or online chat before buying from you. And if someone is not there to answer them, they will buy elsewhere.

So you need virtual assistants to answer incoming emails and calls and respond to inquiries.

3. Make sales calls

Having your VA make outbound calls will help your sales team bring in more leads. This will help them to focus more on selling to prospects instead of cold calling or emailing — which is a more effective use of their time.

Getting these time-consuming tasks off your sales team will make them focus on current prospects and nurturing warm leads.

4. Handle marketing efforts

You can’t grow your business if you don’t market or advertise it. And in some small businesses, there’s no designated person is handling their marketing efforts

A VA will help with your business marketing efforts — social media posting, writing blog posts and other content, and running your paid ads. All you have to do is to check their portfolio to know if they have the skills you want.

5. Create processes

You need virtual assistants to streamline your business processes and procedures — setting up a CRM system, automating your processes, scheduling your meetings and travels, etc.

What are the Top 5 Virtual Assistants?

1. Social media management VA

Statistics have shown that the number of social media users is more than 4.48 billion people — that’s over 48% of the world’s population.

Imagine what a strategic and carefully managed social media account will do for your business.

So hiring a VA will help scale your business and they will do the following:

  • Research and write posts.
  • Create engaging and beautiful images or videos.
  • Schedule social media posts.
  • Reply to comments and messages.
  • Research trendy hashtags to use, especially on Instagram, Twitter.

2. Content writer VA

You need a skilled content writer to create high-quality and informative content — now that Google and other search engines place value on them. That’s the only way to get your business website on the first page of Google.

Besides, your VA will help maintain your blog, write emails that convert, and create high-quality products and services descriptions.

3. Administrative VA

We advise small business owners like you to delegate repetitive and mundane tasks if they want to scale their business. It will help you spend your time improving your products or services, attending seminars and conferences to grow your connections, strategizing your business growth, and other tasks.

As a small business owner, don’t spend your time fixing schedules, answering emails and calls, and handling your business reports. Hire a VA to handle all these tasks and more for you.


Search Engine Optimization is an investment you need if you want to expand your reach. Unlike ads, you won’t pay for any lead you get with SEO.

Instead, you pay an SEO expert to target the right keywords, improve your site ranking on Google and other search engines, and get more people to discover your business. It will open up your pool of potential clients without spending your money.

5. Customer service VA

Providing impeccable service will make customers flock to your business. Hiring a virtual assistant ensures that your existing and potential customers’ needs are taken care of in a timely and friendly way.

They can help turn a one-time customer into a repeat buyer. And having customer loyalty is one of the biggest contributors to your revenue growth, so hiring a VA who specializes in customer support should be one of your business priorities.

How Can a Virtual Assistant Help Your Business?

1. Managing your calendar

Your VA can help manage both personal and business calendars to help you save time. The tasks include making and confirming appointments on your behalf, reminding you of upcoming appointments and meetings.

2. Rescheduling appointments

A virtual assistant will help to reschedule your appointments by contacting the other party and setting a new date that works for both of you.

3. Managing your email account

To ensure that your VA manages your email account well, you need to give your VA a template of replying to emails, emails to the trash, and the ones that need your response.

4. Booking of flights

If you travel a lot, your virtual assistant will help you screen flights to know the best available flights. Remember to share any specific preferences with your VA such as a specific airline or seat. They will also help arrange for other transportation like a car to take to your meetings or destinations.

5. Arranging accommodation

Your VA can research accommodation for your business trip. There are many accommodation and rental platforms available these days, finding the best accommodation that suits your preferences and budget is easier.

6. Researching products

To save money, your VA will help in researching the most suitable products on the market. It will be easier for you to compare between products and purchase the best one for your needs (and if possible save some money in the process too).

7. Attending webinars

Your virtual assistant can attend on your behalf, jot down the important information, and organize it in a way it will be easy for you to understand and take action.

Other ways a virtual assistant can help your business include:

  • Researching leads
  • Recruiting team members
  • Making arrangements for Events
  • Completing online forms
  • Creating presentations
  • Creating reports
  • Proofreading
  • Managing files
  • Basic bookkeeping
  • Social media marketing

Ready to scale your business and increase your business revenue? Hire a Virtual Assistant today — contact us.

Originally published at on January 20, 2022.



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Lastiana is a digital marketing agency — Helping SaaS startups succeed through online marketing