Why SEO Tools Are Important: 6 Brilliant Reasons

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8 min readJun 9, 2022

SEO tools are great for improving your website’s visibility online. But if you aren’t sure whether or not you need them, here are six brilliant reasons why you should consider using SEO tools.

These tools aren’t just for SEO anymore. They are also great for marketing, social media, and even customer service.

Knowledge is power, and knowing what your customers need helps you provide them with exactly what they want.

SEO is an important aspect of any website. Having access to accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use tools will help you get the best results possible.

You’ll be able to see exactly how your own site is doing, and what your competitors are doing. You’ll also be able to identify areas that need improvement.

Let’s jump right into the more reasons you should be using SEO Tools.

1. Analyze Competitor SEO Strategy

You can spy on your competitors without breaking any laws. You just need to understand what information is available about them online.

There are many tools out there that will help you gather all the information you need. Some of the best ones are Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahref.

These tools allow you to see exactly what your competitors are doing and even give you insight into their customers’ habits.

SEO tools, like Uzorsuggest, help you understand what keywords your competitors are ranking for and how they are doing it.

You can also see if there are any issues with your own website’s SEO.

You can also see their traffic numbers and ranks, and identify where their backlinks come from and how their content performs across platforms.

You can even see what keywords they’re ranking for and how well those keywords convert.

Backlink profile

SEO is an important tool for any company looking to grow its online presence. You can use SEO tools to get insight into your competitor’s backlinks.

These links will tell you about the authority of each site, the anchor text, the number of pages linking to them, and much more.

You can also use SEO tools to check if there are any broken links pointing to your website.

You can also create a list of potential link partners using our free tool. You’ll get an instant list of all the websites that are relevant to your niche.

Then, you can go through each site and see if there are any opportunities to add value.

If you’re looking for backlinks, we’ve got you covered. We’ll show you how to find high-quality blogs that will help boost your rankings.

Keyword opportunities

It can be hard to generate ideas when you are stuck.

If you are not generating enough ideas, then you need to think about why you aren’t coming up with any ideas.

Is there something missing?

Are you trying to come up with too many ideas at once?

Do you need to focus your efforts on certain types of keywords?

These questions will help you figure out what piece of content you should create next.

SEO tools help you understand what keywords your competitors are using to rank well.

You can then use those keywords to create new content, optimize your website, and expand your reach.

Uzorsuggest is an SEO tool that helps you generate keywords and phrases.

You can also get suggestions for your website name, domain name, social media profiles, etc. It will help you create content that ranks higher in search results.

2. Save Time and Money on Manual SEO Audits

Comprehensive SEO audits are essential for any digital marketer or webmaster.

They help you identify areas of your site that need improvement and provide valuable insight into what needs to change.

However, they can also be expensive and time-consuming to complete manually. That’s why you need an automated SEO audit tool.

This platform allows you to run comprehensive audits quickly and easily.

Uzorsuggest is a fantastic, free SEO tool that identifies loads of potential issues with your site, such as:

  • Unindexed pages.
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Missing meta descriptions.
  • Broken links.
  • Poor domain authority.
  • Slow loading pages.
  • And more.

Search engine optimization (SEO) tools can help you get your website found online.

These tools will analyze your site and give you suggestions about what needs to be done to optimize it for search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and others.

SEO tools also allow you to track your progress and see if you’re making any headway toward getting higher rankings.

This report will help you understand what needs to be done to fix any issues found during our SEO audit.

It will also give you recommendations on how to improve your site’s search engine optimization.

3. Find High-Converting Keywords

Finding the right keywords for your website or content marketing is easier said than done.

It’s not enough to simply identify industry terms that have decent search volume and low competition. Many other factors come into play.

For instance, the intent behind the search terms, users are searching for matters more than ever.

Are users looking:

  • For free information?
  • To solve a problem?
  • To buy a product?

You will need to answer these questions.

Find long-tail keywords and variations

Search engine optimization (SEO) tools help you identify keywords and phrases that you might not have thought of before.

These tools will also generate related keywords and variations of those keywords that can be used in various types of content.

SEO tools can help you create content that ranks higher in search results.

You can also get ideas from competitors with a competition analysis tool.

You can check out their backlinks, their meta descriptions, and even their page titles.

If you notice something similar, then you might want to try using those keywords on your own pages.

Use SEO tools to find keywords that:

  • Your site is already ranking for but where some added optimization could make a huge difference.
  • Your site is ranking for but you don’t want to rank for them, so you can remove these from your strategy.
  • Keywords you are performing well on and those present variations that are worth targeting.
  • This will inform you of whether existing content needs to be optimized or if new content needs to be added.

High-converting keywords

  • Keywords that have a buyer’s intent behind them are worth targeting, as they tend to have the highest conversion rate.
  • Even if you don’t aim to sell a product or service right away, you can still use content to generate leads.
  • Target conversion-happy keywords and add content upgrades to your content to generate leads.
  • SEO tools can also help you identify how your competitors are conducting their content marketing.
  • Simply look at their highest-ranking posts and/or posts with the most backlinks and see whether they are using content upgrades themselves.
  • SEO tools allow you to go beyond your own imagination and use the data to fuel a holistic SEO strategy.

4. Monitor SEO Progress & KPIs

Many website owners look at their ranking as the primary measure of success.

However, there are many other metrics to consider when evaluating your site’s SEO performance.

These include organic traffic and conversions. Organic traffic refers to visits from search engine users who typed keywords directly into the browser.

Conversions refer to actions taken after visitors arrive on your site, like filling out forms or purchasing products.

SEO tools make it easy to see if you’re getting results. You’ll get an idea of what keywords are working well for you and what ones aren’t.

If you’re not seeing any traffic, you might need to change your strategy.

The KPIs you choose to measure will depend on what you’re trying to achieve and your business model.

For example, if you’re looking to increase sales, then you’ll need to focus on conversion rates.

If you’re looking to reduce costs, then you might consider measuring lead time. Other KPIs may include:

You should measure your success across multiple metrics and platforms. You will need to track both the number of visitors and conversions.

Lastiana Tools helps you analyze your SEO efforts. You can see what keywords are driving traffic to your site, and you can also see how many links each keyword is getting.

You can then use this information to optimize your link-building strategy.

You need to know if you’re making progress towards your goals. Use SEO tools to track what matters most for your website.

5. Visualize Data

SEO pros aren’t always great at analyzing and visualizing data. That’s why there are plenty of SEO tools out there to help you make sense of the data.

Some of them even let you create your own dashboards. But if you’re looking for something more advanced, check out our list of the best SEO tools.

What is data visualization?

Data visualization helps us understand our data. We can see trends, patterns, and outliers.

Data visualization tools help us visualize and understand our data (numbers) in ways we might not otherwise notice.

This is extremely helpful if you are mapping your SEO progress over time, looking at user demographics, or analyzing the success of your marketing campaigns.

Data visualization with SEO tools

Many SEO tools often provide visualizations of your site’s traffic and rankings.

These can help you explain complex metrics to clients and give them an idea of what’s going on with their website.

6. Report Clear ROI to Clients

SEO Tools help marketers and SEO specialists to show their clients what works and what doesn’t.

If you are a marketing manager or SEO specialist, your client wants to see not only an increased amount of traffic but also sales as well.

SEO tools make it easy to showcase results to your client.

If you can articulate how many leads or how much revenue you are generating for a client as a result of their SEO investment, they are more likely to stick with you for the long haul.

It also makes it easier to position a value to add or upsell to help take it to that next level.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is an umbrella term for techniques used to increase the number of visitors to a website by improving its visibility in search results.

SEO encompasses both technical and non-technical strategies.

Non-technical strategies include using social media, press releases, and other forms of marketing.

Technical strategies include editing HTML code, site architecture, keyword research, and link building.

There are many different ways to optimize your site for SEO. Some of them are obvious, like using relevant keywords and including quality links back to your site.

But there are also less obvious tactics you can employ to help boost your rankings.

For example, you could create an infographic about your product or service that includes all of the key points you want to get across.

Or you could write a blog post about a topic related to your niche that will attract traffic.

You could even try creating a video that explains your product or service in detail.

Know of other smart ways to use SEO tools? Let me know in the comment section.

Originally published at https://lastiana.com on June 9, 2022.



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