Working Remotely? Here Are 30 Ways to Stay Healthy And Fit

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8 min readJul 15, 2022

Working from home, or working remotely is now a reality for many people, especially content creators, developers, etc, where they can wake up late, work in their pajamas, and not worry about traffic jams and others.

They do whatever they want and like. While this may be true, working from a remote location affects your health. That’s why this blog post is written to show you how to stay healthy, active, and fit. Let’s dive into it.

Remote Work And Health

There are a lot of remote workers who take good care of themselves and enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle. If you’re one of them, you can skip the rest of this post.

This blog is written to help remote workers like myself, who could benefit from a healthier lifestyle.

Even if your mind is on building your career, and you think you don’t have time to have a healthy lifestyle, well, bear in mind that good physical health will boost your productivity.

Working remotely on some medical projects and as a physician, I have a few health tips for those who work from home. However, keep in mind that everything I’m about to say is drawn from personal experience and my medical research as a doctor.

What Does Working Remotely Mean?

Remote work is the practice of an employee doing their job from a location other than the office operated by the employer.

Such locations could include their home, a co-working or other shared space, a private office, or any other place outside of the traditional office building.

Working as a remote staff, meeting in a physical office every day is not for you. Your employee can manage or run the company from their dining room table.

While you and others working for the business may work from your homes (or in a cafe or on the road).

“In a remote work situation, physical location doesn’t matter. The key is the INTERNET. It makes everything possible and ties everyone together.”

30 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working Remotely

Here are 30 ways to stay healthy working remotely:

1. Wash your hands

Washing your hands is an excellent way to stay clear of airborne infections. To properly wash your hands, follow these simple steps:

  • Wet your hands with soap
  • Scrub hands, including under nails, for at least 20 seconds
  • Rinse with running water
  • Dry with a clean towel

2. Lift weights

Lifting weight is a way of boosting your strength, so you don’t have to go to the gym. All you need to do is go online and find bodyweight exercise tutorials that require no equipment.

Also, you can improvise with your household objects like a gallon of water, doing pushups with your children or spouse lying on you.

3. Drink more water

Aim to drink 6–8 glasses of water daily. Staying hydrated keeps your skin healthy, helps your kidney function, and boosts your performance during exercise.

4. Practice yoga

Yoga helps to keep your bones healthy, increases blood flow, improves balance, and boosts your immune system. Practice 1–2 times weekly to get the benefit. There are a lot of YouTube tutorials for you to take advantage of.

5. Get 8 hours

Don’t joke with your night’s sleep, it is crucial to getting your best. Many people need a minimum of eight hours of good quality sleep, so ensure to stick to it.

6. Exercise

Exercising your body daily not only helps your body remove toxins but can also potentially help flush out bacteria from your lungs and keep your lungs healthy.

Also, it promotes good circulation which allows your cells and immune system substances to flow properly through your system so they can do their jobs more effectively.

7. Improve your posture

Reduce back pain and alleviate muscle tension by sitting with your feet flat on the floor, with even weight at both hips, keeping your back straight, and relaxing your shoulders.

8. Read more books

Reading at least 30 minutes every day will keep your brain strong and can reduce the chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease.

You can read newspapers, articles, classic novels, etc. They are available in public domains online for free, so why not start today?

9. Meditate

Studies have shown that meditation can help to reduce anxiety, improve your mood, and lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. You can check medical websites like WHO if you’re not sure where to start.

10. Create time to meet people

Visit friends and family regularly, you can do this by physically meeting them, video chatting, emailing, or calling them on the phone.

Get creative — why not host a hang-out over video chat? Having a social circle is not only a good excuse for fun days out, it can lift you when you’re feeling low.

11. Schedule a siesta

In a study by NASA, it was discovered that pilots had a respective 34% and 54% improvement in performance and alertness after a 26-minute nap. Don’t doze for longer than 30 minutes — otherwise, you may wake up feeling groggy.

12. Eat more fiber

Fiber reduces your cholesterol level and lowers the risk of heart disease and colorectal cancer. Your recommended daily intake of fiber is 30g.

13. Be savvy with salt

Six grams of salt per day is recommended for you as an adult. So keep an eye on salt levels in ready meals, and also avoid using salt while eating.

14. Look after your eyesight

Your eyesight starts changing rapidly after the age of 40. Take frequent breaks if you spend a lot of your day looking at computer screens.

15. Drink coffee

Coffee has enough antioxidants that may help fight off Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

“Taking it daily can lower the risk of heart disease and other serious health conditions. However, if you have a condition that’s aggravated by caffeine — this may not be the right advice for you!”

16. Get active

Aim to do 150 minutes of exercise each week. This can be achieved by trying an exercise video on YouTube or having a dance party with the family.

17. Do your housework

House chores like sweeping, tidying up the rooms, and hanging up clothes can burn more than 150 calories within an hour. Plus, living in a clean and tidy house benefits your mental health.

18. Enjoy sunlight

Sunlight is a source of vitamin D, which helps your brain release mood-boosting endorphins and serotonin. Enjoy the sun for 30 minutes to two hours every day to help boost your productivity.

19. Take good care of your teeth

Maintain your great smile by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing after each meal, and scheduling appointments with your dentist.

20. Eat earlier

Eating earlier in the evening gives your body enough time to digest the food. This has a lot of health benefits and one — it helps to improve your chance of getting a good night’s sleep.

21. Manage stress

Managing stress effectively is critical to your mental wellbeing. This can be handled by writing down your stresses to enable you to prioritize issues that need to be addressed.

22. Do things you enjoy

Whether it’s dancing, painting, baking, drawing, or watching your favorite TV show, create time to do the things you love. It keeps you happy and going.

23. Finesse your finances

Money worries are very stressful. So keep a closer eye on the pennies by working out your weekly or monthly budget and using an app to track your day-to-day spending.

Read this article, the writer intensively discussed what financial planning is all about.

24. Try a digital detox

Set a limit on the time you spend on your devices. Learn to fight the urge to check emails or social media notifications.

25. Cut down on your sugar intake

Sugary snacks won’t fill you up, instead, they will cause you to eat more. Opt for fruit and nut snacks whenever you can.

26. Reduce your saturated fat intake

Taking saturated fats increases cholesterol levels and raises your risk of heart disease. Opt for lean meats and lower-fat dairy products, though beware of added sugar in them.

27. Eat more fish

Have a little fishy on a little food at least twice a week. Oily fish such as sardines and pilchards are good because they protect against heart disease.

28. Be kind to yourself

The time we are in can’t be predicted at all and many people are struggling with worry or stress. It is not the time to punish yourself for not reaching your target goals. Always celebrate your wins, be kind to yourself and remember that you’re doing well.

29. Ask for help

Talk to your family and friends if you’re feeling low or seek the help of an expert. Please don’t die in silence, speak up, and remember we need each other to survive.

30. Think positive

Speaking positive things helps to boost your self-esteem, keep you motivated, and put things into perspective. Start small with a few affirmations when you wake up and reap the benefits of starting your day with a positive mindset.

Originally published at on July 15, 2022.



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Lastiana is a digital marketing agency — Helping SaaS startups succeed through online marketing