De:Lithe Last Memories
Published in
7 min readMay 14, 2024


Introduction to the Airdrop Portal

Hello everyone, I’m Ohtani, the Marketing Manager. Today, I want to introduce you to our “Airdrop Portal Site,” where you can participate in airdrops for free.

The best part about this portal is that anyone can join for free!

Here’s the URL for the “Airdrop Portal”:

Please open this link using the browser of your wallet, such as MetaMask!

※ Depending on the wallet, there might be some instability (e.g., with wallet linking). If you encounter issues, please try waiting a bit or using a different method. Your patience and understanding are appreciated.

What is an “Airdrop”?

An airdrop (AirDrop) is a Web3 event where you can receive tokens (cryptocurrencies) periodically.

For more information about airdrops, please refer to our previous article on Medium.

De:Lithe Last Memories Official Medium Page (EN) “Get Ready for the $GEEK Airdrop!”


Our Commitment to the Airdrop

We prepared this airdrop because we want people to discover our game through the airdrop. The Airdrop Portal is designed to reach as many people as possible.

This time, we focused on making the airdrop free to join.

In many Web3 projects, you often need to purchase cryptocurrencies worth tens of thousands of yen to participate in an airdrop.

In our project, we’ve lowered the barrier by allowing easy and free participation through simple tasks. We hope this will attract more participants and serve as an introduction to our game.

Some of you might worry that more participants will mean smaller airdrop amounts. However, our airdrop system rewards those who have accumulated more ADP points with more cryptocurrency, so an increase in participants doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll receive less.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:

  • By attracting many users through the airdrop, we expect to boost the excitement around the game. There are several examples of this happening.
  • As Last Memories gains popularity as a mobile game, the value of the token also rises (since GEEK has similar utility to in-game premium currency).
  • Moreover, in the Last Memories airdrop, the amount distributed is adjusted based on the ADP points each user has. Therefore, your actions after participating can significantly affect your airdrop amount.

The actual amount of airdrop you receive will depend on the token price trends, the number of participants, and your activity level (ADP points earned). While we can’t predict the exact outcome, we are committed to running the event in a way that maximizes your enjoyment and engagement.

About the Airdrop Portal

First, take a look at the concept diagram we’ve created:

To give you an overview:

  1. Complete tasks on the Airdrop Portal to earn SBTs with ADP.
  2. Check them in your wallet.
  3. Transfer them to your game account when the game is released.

This way, you will be able to earn tokens through the airdrop when it starts.

Details about transferring SBTs to the game account and earning tokens through airdrops will be explained later.

The timeline looks like this:

From the Airdrop Portal release to the game release: Complete tasks on the Airdrop Portal to collect SBTs with points (ADP).

From the game release to the start of the airdrop: Once the game starts (naturally), you will be able to create a game account. Please transfer your SBTs there. We plan to add tasks to the Airdrop Portal from the game release until the airdrop starts, so please complete them as they are added. Of course, there are many ways to increase your points (ADP) in the game, so don’t forget to do those as well.

After the airdrop starts: Please transfer your ADP-attached SBTs to your game account by this point (the Airdrop Portal itself is scheduled to be discontinued). Once the airdrop starts, continue to earn ADP within the game.

What should I do on the Airdrop Portal?

Let me explain the tasks on the Airdrop Portal.

It’s very simple!

  1. Link your X account (Twitter) with the portal site (→ an account will be created).
  2. Connect a wallet like MetaMask to that account.
  3. Complete the tasks:
  • Register your email address.
  • Follow the official X account.
  • Invite friends.
  • Like and retweet official X account tweets.

By completing these tasks, you will earn points (Airdrop Points, ADP). Accumulating 500 points will allow you to obtain the “NFT (SBT) required to receive the airdrop.

These are the tasks available. Please complete the wallet connection first.

About Inviting Friends

This is an illustration from the Airdrop Portal. You can directly invite up to 10 people and earn “100 points per invite.” Additionally, if the people you invite also invite others, you will earn more points!

Aim for 500 points to receive the confirmed airdrop SBT!

Tasks will continue to be added in the future. Even if you complete all the tasks at one point, we would appreciate it if you could check back regularly. (We will announce new tasks on X and other platforms!)

When can I actually receive the airdrop?

The airdrop is scheduled to start on the 31st day after the game release.

The points (ADP) you earn through this Airdrop Portal will, of course, be effective in increasing the amount of your airdrop.

The detailed procedure for claiming the airdrop will be shared later.

Caution Points for the Airdrop Portal

“I have an NFT DOLL, but it’s not counted towards ADP!”

We apologize!

The Airdrop Portal only counts SBTs earned through tasks on the site.

“Only one Wallet can be connected”

When you link your X account with the Airdrop Portal, an account is created. You can only connect one Wallet to this account.

Once linked, there is no function to unlink it, so please be careful!

You cannot link multiple accounts, so please choose the Wallet to link carefully.

“I can’t connect my Wallet properly!”

I understand that many of you are familiar with using various Wallets, and sometimes they can be a bit unstable. (Sometimes transfers happen instantly, and other times they don’t.)

During the testing of the Airdrop Portal, we also encountered cases where the Airdrop Portal and Wallet couldn’t be linked smoothly, which was quite challenging.

Based on our tests, here are some patterns that might help you if you encounter issues:

  • If you open the Airdrop Portal on a regular browser app on a smartphone, and the transition from the browser to the Wallet app is slow, do not press “Cancel” under any circumstances.

If you press “Cancel” even once, the page often won’t open when you try to transition again.

In such cases, clearing the cache of both the browser and the Wallet can sometimes resolve the issue. Another method is to open the Airdrop Portal using the browser within the Wallet app.

“The ‘REGISTER’ button displayed after connecting the Wallet is not responding!”

Similar to the issue above, this problem was often resolved by opening the Airdrop Portal in the browser within the Wallet app.

Please make use of the browser within the Wallet app.

“I want to display the earned SBT in my Wallet!”

By completing tasks, you can earn points (ADP), but you also receive NFTs (SBTs).

In Last Memories, we distribute SBTs not only through Airdrop Portal tasks but also through various events, so we hope you will enjoy collecting them.

From a Web2 perspective, you might think, “I should be able to check it in my Wallet as soon as I claim it, right?” However, there are a few steps involved, so please give it a try.

How to Import Earned SBT into Your Wallet

  1. Confirm the earned SBT on the site
  2. Check if it is in the NFT section of your wallet
  3. If it’s not there, access the world’s largest NFT marketplace!

Connect your wallet to this site > Hamburger menu > Account > Profile

Confirm that the collected SBTs are there! > Click on the SBT you want to import into your wallet > Click on Details

Note the Token ID on this page, then click on the Contract Address

Click the copy button under the address to copy the address

  1. Once you’ve done this, return to your wallet!

Click on Import NFT

Paste the address you copied earlier. Enter the ID, then click Import

It’s in! (Image showing two already imported using the same method)

Although it takes some effort, by performing this task one by one, you can confirm the earned SBTs in your wallet.



De:Lithe Last Memories

Japanese web3 game from the creators involved in the hit anime. The original was a hit with 9 million users. Revamped game and scenario.