Uploading raw files directly from the camera card
You can move files from camera, to cloud, to your asset manger using latakoo
The latakoo Flight applications, versions 6.1 and later, support a drag and drop import function that is compatible with the most popular professional camera folder formats. This means that you can move files directly from the camera card to the cloud and then to your in house asset manager, using the latakoo Flight application and latakoo HUB.
We’ll outline:
· What levels of folder structure are supported by latakoo Flight.
· How renaming the folders can impact whether the video files can be seamlessly extracted for upload.
Understanding Folder Structure
Professional cameras create multiple nested folders that contain video, audio and metadata generated as part of the recording. When using the latakoo Flight app, selecting the correct folder structure to import makes it possible to automatically extract video and audio clips for upload.
The latakoo Flight app searches through this complicated folder structure to locate the video and audio files and stages them inside of the Flight app, where they can be uploaded to the cloud for sharing, downloading and transcription. With latakoo HUB the files can be automatically injected into your asset manager, with metadata.
With most camera formats, you have two ways to populate the app using the folder structure; bringing in the top-level folder, what we call the “parent” folder or directory, or bringing in the next level, called the “normal” folder or directory. The normal level is usually standardized and is created by the camera. Either level will be recognized by the app to extract files automatically from the card.
Renaming Folders
In general, you can rename the parent folder without impacting the Flight application. However, we recommend that the normal level, typically created by the camera, not be renamed. These folders should remain with the label produced by the camera. These folders are commonly called Contents, Clip, or DCIM. Examples of these folder structures are listed below.
When in doubt, only rename the parent folder.
Folder Examples
Canon C300, Variant 1
In this particular case of a Canon C300, which we named Variant 1, the parent folder and the normal folder may be renamed. However, the CONTENTS folder must remain the same as it appears here. The parent folder, the normal folder or the CONTENTS folder could be dropped into the app and the video files would be extracted.
Canon C300, Variant 2
In Variant 2 of the Canon C300 structure, the parent folder can be renamed in this example, but the CONTENTS folder should NOT be changed. Either level can be dragged and dropped into the latakoo Flight app.
Canon C300, Variant 3
In Variant 3, the parent folder CAN be renamed, but the CONTENTS folder should NOT be renamed or changed. Either level can be dragged and dropped into the latakoo Flight app.
The parent folder can be renamed, but the normal folder, marked BPAV should not change. Either level can be dragged and dropped into the latakoo Flight app.
The parent folder can be renamed, but its sub-folder should always contain CLIP and GENERAL folder and INDEX.XML file and MEDIAPRO.XML. The parent folder can be dragged and dropped into the latakoo Flight app.
Panasonic P2
The parent folder can be renamed, but the CONTENTS folder should not change. Either level can be brought into the latakoo Flight app.
Sony F-55
The parent and normal folder directory may be renamed and either level can be dragged and dropped into the latakoo Flight app.
Canon DSLR
The parent folder can be renamed, but the name of the DCIM folder level should NOT be changed. Either folder can be dragged and dropped into the latakoo Flight app.
The parent folder can be renamed, but the CONTENTS folder should not be changed. Either level can be dragged and dropped into the latakoo Flight app.
Custom Needs
For specific renaming needs, contact our support team at support@latakoo.com. In the future, latakoo envisions creating a template where you can adjust within the app to train it to recognize new folder structures.