Paul Adrian
latakoo learning
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2017


You’ve heard us say it before. Send video fast with latakoo.

Now, we can say send video fast with latakoo directly to Avid. latakoo is a certified solution for Avid’s platform. Read the press release.

Last year, Avid welcomed latakoo into its brand-new Alliance Partner Program and began a rigorous inspection of the latakoo-to-Avid integration. This created a feedback loop between their technology team and ours that spurred innovation and made certain that latakoo met Avid’s high standard for a rock-solid, robust solution that works perfectly within the Avid environment.

The result — Avid has certified the latakoo solution for Avid’s platform. latakoo is one of a handful of companies in the world that is both certified by Avid and an Alliance Partner. This means that Avid can confidently tell its customers that the latakoo system works well with Avid and will make it easier to quickly transfer high quality video into-and-out-of Avid. Today, you can find latakoo on Avid’s website, and you can purchase latakoo from any Avid direct sales representative or reseller in more than 140 countries.

“We look forward to working with latakoo to offer our preeminent customer community the most comprehensive tools and workflow solutions to create, distribute and optimize media,” announced Alan Hoff, Vice President, Market Solutions at Avid.

How did we get here? By considering how our customers work and how to make that process more efficient and effective.

Our customers do not work in isolation. They are teams of people who work together to do something meaningful with video in a timely manner.

latakoo is built from end-to-end to make those teams as efficient as possible by saving time at both ends of a video transfer. While this job includes sending video fast, it also means collecting meaningful information on each file, and automatically transcribing videos on a time-code, and notifying team members based on their job on the movement of a file, and easily transferring content from the public Internet through corporate firewalls onto private networks.

latakoo is also built to automatically deliver the media, and metadata, and time-coded transcriptions into the content management systems used by broadcasters and production companies. That’s where their editors and producers and researchers live. And so, we designed latakoo to deliver content from the field right into an editor’s bin at a studio so that an editor can immediately begin preparing the video for broadcast or post production.

Today, latakoo is seamlessly integrated with three major asset managers used by broadcasters and production houses around the globe: Avid’s Media Central Platform, Grass Valley’s Stratus, and Dalet’s Galaxy.

We started our first integration with Avid Interplay several years ago at the request of our then-largest customer. Avid has been an industry leader for decades in providing the highest end video production facilities throughout the world with editing, storage, and show rundown software as well as broadcast play-out tools to name just a few of Avid’s many systems.

Our job at latakoo was to deliver media as quickly as possible from anywhere in the world right into one or more specific Avid Interplays in different geographic locations on protected networks at the request of the content contributor. Sound easy? It was not. It required years of diligence by the latakoo technology team, our co-development customer partner and a friend we made while doing this work — Avid.

At latakoo, we’re thrilled to have achieved becoming a certified Avid Alliance Partner, but the real winners are our customers, who can count on a technologically sound, automated solution to deliver files from the field or location — directly into their Avid system quickly, securely and reliably.

To learn more about the connectivity between latakoo and Avid, you can join our weekly webinar by registering here. You can also meet us in person if you are attending Avid Connect or NAB in Las Vegas later this month. Let us know in advance that you are coming and we’ll set aside some time to show you Avid + latakoo.

Paul Adrian
latakoo CEO



Paul Adrian
latakoo learning

latakoo CEO, former investigative journalist, believes that truthful information fuels democracy