9 easy hacks to build a B2B SaaS sales engine for startups. Least time, max output.

Wen Jie Lee
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2019

The value of a startup’s B2B SaaS product lies in the product quality and the repeatable sales engine. Managers should carve out a working model to bring the product in market.

Ideally this should be a method that can be transferred to new team members and also be able to scale.

Here is a simple and perhaps effective model which you can have a think about when building your SaaS engine.

  1. First off, you are in luck, SaaS is one of the easiest sell out there.
  2. Book a meeting, ask your user how they currently perform the task your product solves, then share you are excited to share how your product solves problem X for the user.
  3. Do a demo, explain the motivation of why you first built the product.
  4. Keep the demo short and succinct, keep iterate by asking user input on your product and how the task is usually performed without the product.
  5. Gauge customer’s reaction, if they seem to be excited by the product = no need to give discount.
  6. Else if the user remains passive, probe by asking how is the buying decision is usually made, keep offering to demo the product to the senior figure.
  7. Seal the deal on the spot by signing off electronic contracts immediately.
  8. Leave with a scheduled next step in getting a purchase order.
  9. Use a consultative approach to listen and guide the user into micro-commitments.

It is all about making the small decisions that make the client realize — ‘wow this could actually help me’.

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Wen Jie Lee
Editor for

Founder @ Latent. Smart search engine for opinionated comments. www.latentapp.com